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A/n I forgot to put this info but your character has hearing like uzui but can hear at least 100 miles away not only that you have good sense of vibrations in the air and around you

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I forgot to put this info but your character has hearing like uzui but can hear at least 100 miles away not only that you have good sense of vibrations in the air and around you. Also can sense different eras miles away.

Y'all are talking to a complete air head so I'm sorry if I'm stupid and can't figure out wtf I'm doing👁👄👁

You and Sanemi made it to the festival when the sun had set.  You walked beside him when you entered the place and saw people in their yukatas  you even sensed Mitsuri era and Obanai's.
You  saw couples surrounding the both of you which made you kinda overwhelmed. You felt awkward sense it was just you an Sanemi.

You looked at the beautiful lights decorated around the booths.  You can sense how peaceful it was here then the outside world. It made you smile and happy that the human beings get it enjoy themselves even though demons are roaming around on earth.

You lost your train of thought when Sanemi lightly nudged you.

"Hey! Did you hear me?"

You turned to look at him and nodded.

"I said do you want something to eat"

"Yes" you said blankly. Sanemi then lead you to a booth with dangos. You heard way before he had to repeat himself. You were just thinking about how the era way a bit too peaceful to be true at the moment.  Once you made it to the booth Sanemi handed you a dango and you gladly took it.
You both started eating it while watching the crowd.

You look at Sanemi who was in space while eating his dango. You can hear his heart beating at a fast pace.  You thought it was kinda of strange his is doing that while yours was doing the same.  You turned away and blushed lightly.  You finished your dango and immediately heard a small heart beat not to far away that was really strange.

Y/n: hey Dumbass mind telling me what I'm hearing

Blood queen: hmm i don't know at the moment but it sounds like Kibutsuji heart rate or even a demon of an upper moon in the festival.

y/n: that ruins the date if I have to seriously have to kill a demon today

Blood queen: *chuckles* don't worry~ just make sure you keep yourself in check and stay on guard~ you don't want me taking over and doing the dirty work.

You scoffed and sighed  rubbing your temples. Sanemi looked at you and raised his brow
(he doesn't have any but whatever XD)

"Something wrong?"

You looked at Sanemi and then looked at the crowd.
You shook your head slightly but stopped. You didn't want to lie and say you didn't just hear an odd presence in the air.

"Nothing I just heard a weird noise in the distance... I have hearing to where i can hear 100 miles away so it messes with my mind a bit" you said as you move some of your hair away from your face.
Sanemi nodded then grabbed your hand and lead you through the crowd. You blushed at his warm touch and can feel his touch hand hold a firm grip on your hand.

The Wind and Blood (Sanemi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now