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You ran for a couple of hours with minor wounds which didn't bother you. Though the wounds lead a small blood trail.
You finally made it to the gate in no time and started walking towards it.
You wanted a bath just to get rid of the other demons stench off you.
When you made it through the gate you saw Obanai on the tree as usual and everyone else was probably either at their estate or on a mission.
You walked to your estate when you head someone following you not to far behind.
"Your back, I see you got some injuries like an idiot"
You rolled your eyes you knew who it was by his smell and voice.
"Oh please these are nothing. Besides I let the demons hurt me just so they please themselves until I slice them in a instant" you said while seeing Sanemi walk next to you.
"I wanted to make sure you came home alive"
Sanemi said hiding his face.
"Awww...is Sanemi starting to care so much and even think about me when I'm not here" you teased. Sanemi turned his head and looked into your eyes and scoffed.
"No, your fucking hearing things, besides I was hoping you'd get injured"
You chuckled and touched your chest.
"Ouch, why do you have to be like that? I could've died you know" you said seriously
"You could've manage, your not the type to die easily especially when your annoying"
Sanemi growled.
You flinched at the word annoying, that's the last thing you want to be. Despite him being hot headed your heart danced when hearing his voice or seeing his presence.
"Mmm ok then" you said blankly, you sped up the pace a bit.
Sanemi saw how your mood immediately changed and also sped his pace to catch up with you.
"What are doing following me anyways?" You asked not even bothering to joke around.
"Why does it matter? Let me just follow damn it!"
You smirked slightly and decided to spice things up a bit.
"Oh really? For how long? don't wanna see me take a bath that would totally bring your mood to a different level"
Sanemi face turned slightly red which made you cat smirk.
"Wow I didn't know you had such a dirty mind Sanemi~ tell me what are you thinking in that brain of yours" you cooed.
"shut the fuck up... your the one who brought such nonsense. This is ridiculous"
"Ridiculous to where you turned red...were you thinking of me undressed shinazugawa"
Sanemi flinched and shivered which made you look at him fully and see him red.
"I'm joking.....anyways did you get a mission? Or were you training?" You asked changing the subject.
Sanemi snapped out of it and cursed under his breathe
"No I was trying like usual.... when you left I went back to what I was doing and you were gone for a day or two on that mission of yours"
You nodded and finally made it to your estate.
You opened the door and went in Sanemi following you. You stretched your arms until you heard a tear and gush noise which made you look down and see that your wounds opened wider then expected.
"Well shit" you hissed, Sanemi saw the wound on your shoulder widen and immediately went your estate to get bandages.
You sat down on a stair infront of the red roses.
"Well I didn't expect them to open....I haven't ate anything for two days so it explains a lot"
You mumbled. Sanemi came out with supplies and sat across from you.
"Strip" Sanemi demanded. You flinched and blushed a bit. Sanemi looked at your facial expression and realized what he said.
"I-I mean take off your top uniform so I can see the injuries"
You nodded and slowly took of your haori, you hissed the pain felt like it was burning and on fire.
You unbuttoned your uniform and slipped it to where it showed your shoulders.
"What the hell! I thought you said it was minor!" Sanemi yelled as he gently touched the injury.
"Well I didn't say it was gonna be minor when I got here besides I take bigger injuries so this isn't really anything" you shrugged and Sanemi glared and started treating your wound.
"o-OW!" You yelped Sanemi stopped and saw how much you shivered when he was cleaning the area.
"Sorry" Sanemi mumbled.
Heard him just barely cause you were paying attention you were staring at the flowers.
"These will heal in a couple of hours after I eat something....I didn't eat anything for 2 days when I was gone"
You felt Sanemi stop wrapping your wounds and groaned.
"You joking right?" He hissed
You turned your head to look at him giving him a blank expression.
"No why would I lie and say.... oh ya I ate..I didn't I wasn't worried about myself I was focusing on protecting people from the stupid demon"
Sanemi pinched the bridge of his nose and scoffs and you chuckled a bit.
"Ya I know I'm a pain in the ass...I don't pay attention to my health more then I need to. After all I am a demon so I can careless if I die"
Sanemi flicked your forehead and glared at you. You frowned and turned away from him.
"Don't say that shit! You are more then just a demon......your my friend that I care about" Sanemi mumbled the last part. You heard the last sentence just barely and smiled lightly.

The Wind and Blood (Sanemi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now