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You walked away without a word, and decided to rest after the following events that happened before the meeting.

You stopped at the front of your estate when you heard a voice call out your name. You knew who it was and gave him a side glance body still turned at your estate.

"Why would you put your life on the line like that" he lectures stopping a few feet behind you.

"Why would it matter, it'll be hard to kill me. Besides I doubt That tanjiros sister would kill anyone and that's coming from a demon who's Struggled against eating flesh sense she was 14" you said turning away from Sanemis glance.

"Y/n...." he says lowly making you shiver a bit on how his voice lowered.

"Do I have to seriously tell you again that I'm not letting that happen to you because I love you" he says frustratedly. You heard his fist clench into a ball and his heart beat racing.

"But you'll get punished too if you get involved if that ever happens to me Sanemi" you said softly.

"I don't care." He mumbled and you turned fully to him giving him a pity face.

"You're an idiot...." you mumbled out before walking up slowly and cupping his cheek feeling how warm it is.

"What happened to you hated me and wanted me to be dead" you deadpanned. Sanemi glared at you before moving his hand up to where your hand is touching his cheek and rested it there.

"That was before I knew your back ground woman"he hisses and you chuckle lightly. You tried to pull away but then sanmei pulled you in and held you.

"Your not leaving, you need some rest I assume" you just nod and he picked you up and took you inside your estate. He then set you on your bed and you immediately layed down and sighed.

Sanemi kissed your forehead before leaving the room quietly while you rested your eyes a bit.

During your sleep you started to have some memories come back after taking part of blood queens demon skill.

"Who the hell are you, you reek of blood" you said pulling your self out of a broken house that you crashed into murdering a demon of a low class.

When you landed your hair bounced up a bit and making your h/c reflect to the moon light like clear blue water on a full moon. The crystal ball rain drop reflection of light bouncing off of it type reflection.

The demon in front of you had long hair and was dressed as a girl more like so his hair was a bit messy but his red eye never faltered.

"You smell of that sword" he says a few minutes later moving a bit and putting his hands in his his yukata

"I'm not answering anything.... who are you? Are you the one the demon slayers have been talking about?" You said holding onto you sword on your side tightly.

He took a step forward and you flinched feeling the vibration through your spine. You felt a year of sweat roll down you face make you face glow up thanks to the moons light.

"Muzan...." you said seriously

"Want me to tell you something as a gift" he says looking at his claws. You stood still hearing a small wind blow past your ear. The bushes in the back ground were moving a bit due to a squirrel moving around a bit.

"You smell of born flesh of that.....a demon. Why do you convince yourself that you were human with your younger sister that died 2 years ago?"

Everything around you turned red when hearing those dark poisoned words from his lips. Did just say sister? Convinced you were human?

"You saying lies" you mumbled out.

He squinted his eyes a bit and turned to the red flowers that were around the forest.

"Believe what you want but it's the truth, I'm sure your revenge side knows this and you'll know fully after you come contracted to her in the future" he says turning and walking away.

You dashed to catch him but he was already long gone to be able to catch. No foot steps were heard and not even a animal call was cried out.

You turned around and walked away thinking nothing of it. Deciding to go off and hunter more demons.

The luck was off a bit today due to your encounter. You decided to sleep on a tree branch and watch from above when you saw people transporting stuff. The wheel of the small carrier was squeaking and it made you hiss in irritation.

You continued to stay till night fall when you ran into muzan again. This time it wasn't just a visit though.

He tried to attack you make you have cuts on your shoulders and legs. You could barely move and you weren't skilled enough to fight him during this time regardless if you had the power demonic sword or not.

"We will finish the another time when you have better strength y/n. You caught my interest which is better then those lowly humans"

With that all said and done you woke up before you could finish you memory. You got frustrated whenever stuff like that happens and so you thought about it all day long.

Thankfully missions got your mind off things and talking with rengoku also eased your sense of discomfort and irritation.

"Y/n I have a favor to ask you...... do you mind visiting the butterfly estate and see on that boy" Mitsuri asks.

"Of course I'm going there anyways" you said and she smiles. You walk to the estate to have a pillow hit your face with a thud. You heard a familial voice gasp and get up towards you with quick strides.

"Sorry about that y/n Chan Zenitsu was having a temp with not having the girls take care of him" tanjiro chuckled out rubbing his neck awkwardly.

You blink blankly before giving him a soft smile and ruffle his hair.

"It's ok, as long as it's a pillow and not a hard object"


I'm sorry for not posting on the days I should be posting. Just have school stuff to worry about and need to catch up before the end of the semester and exams so I've been stressing.

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