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"Where were you damn it"Your heart started to beat fast when you heard his voice

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"Where were you damn it"
Your heart started to beat fast when you heard his voice. You sighed and turned to see Sanemi leaning on a wall crossing his arms. Seeing his scars and part of his upper body exposed everyday makes you weak. You didn't show it though you kept it hidden too well for anyone to notice.

You didn't like being a simp so you respected his space and didn't just jump on him like other girls do to guys. Sanemi loves how you were serious about things and also loves seeing you smile. He was in love with you completely but you didn't really see the signs at all.

You pulled your damp bangs back with your hand and looked at Sanemi.
"I was off on a mission" you said blankly
"You were sitting at the tree this morning how come you didn't just train. I know you left because your bored Idiot" Sanemi said. You smiled lightly.

"Well it seems your starting to read me like an open book now huh?" You said softly. "Oh and did you miss me? It seems you got irritated when I was gone"
Sanemi flinched and a light blush came to his face.
"Shut up! I was making sure you didn't just leave completely and never come back" Sanemi growled.
"I would only do that if I had nothing to live for..... and I would go back to being a wonderer that kills demons or even bad humans when it comes down to it" you facial expression changed from your fun smile personality towards Sanemi.

Sanemi hummed in response and leaned off the wall a bit and continued to look at you.
You finally made eye contact and was sucked in by his grey purplish eyes.
"Besides I know you missed me why else would you scowl me" you smirked.
"Tsk, Whatever"

"Wow you finally admit it I'm touched" you sarcastically said.
You removed your hand from your hair and shook your head to remove the extra water that was dripping onto your haori.

"Why are you wet?" Sanemi asked

"Because I took a bath" you said bluntly. You stretched your arms to pop the tension on them.
You started walking away from your estate leaving Sanemi behind. He followed you moments later.
You jumped to a tree and sat down on the branch and stared at the sun. It was noon when you got back from the small adventure. Sanemi then landed next you and then sat down.
You wanted to test the waters a bit and decided to rest your head on his shoulder. He stiffened and froze by your sudden warm touch. A few minutes flew by and he didn't respond so you lifted your head off him and decided to rest your head on the trees trunk instead. Sanemi didn't expect you to move which made him a bit upset you removed your warmth and light touch. You felt a hand on your waist and got pulled towards Sanemi which made you lay your head on his shoulder again.

'Took him long enough'

You snuggled your head to get comfortable and breathed lightly on sanemis neck. He flinched by the sudden feeling. His grip on your waist tightened a bit making sure he doesn't let go and so you don't fall over from the branch.

You hesitated to wrap your arms around him, because you didn't want to scare him away nor ruin his space. As soon as you wrapped you arms around his waist he relaxed more. You can feel how warm his body is and feel his muscles relax. You wanted to touch his abs but you weren't going to do that. You wanted to take it slow and try to confess to him sooner or later before going a bit crazy on touching him.

The silence was comfortable it wasn't awkward so it didn't make you feel uncomfortable or sick. You just felt butterflies while hugging him sideways laying on his shoulder.
"I wish I had the other part of my memory" you mumbled quietly. Sanemi heard you unfortunately and turned slightly look at you when you looked at the sun with hooded eyes.

"I thought you have all your memories" Sanemi said. You shook your head lightly.
"Nope the sword erased them for a reason....I think the reason is it wants me to over come my hatred and vengeance or I should say blood queen" you spit her name in disgust even though it was you but just hatred.
You decided to tell part of your story to Sanemi sense he was your closest friend and you could trust him. Not only that but you were in love with him.... you didn't get it really but you let it flow through your heart.

Sanemi told some of his darkest secrets to you in return sense you told him stuff you regretted doing or scarred you. This conversation became an everyday thing which. Made your guys bond stronger then before.  You and Sanemi would always eat together at that same tree and take about personal topics and such.

One day it was raining and you were under a roof watching and listening to the rain.
"Hey, y/n"
You turned your head and saw Sanemi standing infront of you. You hummed in response and turned fully to face directly. You crossed your arms and part of the breeze blew the raindrops and wet your face a little.
"What is it?"
Sanemi sighed and was open to say something until Obanai interrupted him

"L/n I need you for something"

Update: a/n
Ok so I changed it I didn't like how it umm idk I didn't like how I read the cliff hanger end part so I changed it 😂😂
Let me know if there are errors and I'll fix them and make sure to update them when doing so.

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