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"Wanna try that kiss again" You smirked  you heard Sanemi chuckle which made your  knees weak

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"Wanna try that kiss again" You smirked you heard Sanemi chuckle which made your knees weak.

"You already know the answer to that woman"

He said before kissing you passionately and roughly. You responded with the same power. Your hands wonder to his hair and began playing with it as the kissed moved. He tried to get his tongue in your mouth but You rejected it teasing him and heard him growl in frustration. He gripped your waist tighter which made you gasp and he immediately inserted his tongue.

You let him take over knowing You wouldn't win against him. You both parted slightly just enough to breathe while he took that time to kiss your bottom lip. You gripped his hair and pulled it in response to the sudden action which made him groan and bite  your bottom lip gently as pay back.

He pulled away to look at you in the eyes seeing love and lust oozing out of him. Those two things can be dangerous. You then felt his rough hands go to your thighs and immediately lift you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist while your arms are around his nape. He kissed your neck slowly and roughly leaving love marks as he walked towards your room.

You let out soft moans as your hands gripped his hair whenever he kissed your neck. He groaned when you tugged his hair. He stopped infront of your rooms door and immediately opened it. He pushed the door closed with his back. He hands moved from your thighs to your ass. You got turned on when gave it a firm grip.  You kissed him roughly as he slowly took you towards your bed. He set you down still in the kiss.

Your hand slide into his opened yukata and started going up his upper chest. Feeling him shiver and groan by your cold touch. You slowly slip his yukata off while kissing him fighting for dominance.

He broke away from the kiss and smirked. He slid your yukata down to your shoulders and immediately kissed your shoulders and collar bone leaving more marks on you

"Now they will know that your mine" Sanemi said feeling his voice vibrate against your skin giving you shivers.

When he reached a sensitive spot which made you shiver. he chuckled and continued kissing and nibble that spot. He then Slipped your yukata off revealing your breasts and a small scar that is on your right side on your collarbone. He went downwards and kissed your abdomen,slowly back up to your lips.

He got out of the kiss and started to play with your breasts. He sucked and nibbled one while the other one was being pinched massaged. You moaned when he licked your hardened breast. He then went to your lower half and ripped the left over clothes off revealing your scarred thighs and and wet sex.

"You're wet already baby~" Sanemi grinned while opening your legs with his hands and getting between them. He saw the red scar that was on both of your inner thighs. You hide your face ashamed of having them.

You felt a hand touch your cheek and you turned to look at him in the eyes. The moon light made your e/c glow.

"Hey, it's ok you look beautiful" he softly said seeing love and passion in his eyes. You relaxed a bit and he smiled gently at you and kissed you passionately. He pulled away and grabbed under your knees, started kissing your scars gently. You let out faint moans when he was going down towards your wet area.

He stopping kissing your thighs and slid his fingers against your wet area. You shivered and moaned softly at the тouch.  He kissed your cheek and slide down to your nape now leaving more bit marks while using his fingers to play with your clit. You soon started to feel weird and arch your back at the sensation.

"S-Sanemi~" you whimpered whip moving your hands to his shoulders and legs wrap around his waist. He inserted a finger inside you and You yelped in pleasure. He went in and out slowly out soon started to fasten the pace.

You were a moaning mess while gripping on his shoulders and scratching his back leaving red marks on him which caused him to groan.
He inserted a second finger and curled his fingers to hit your G spot.

"A-Ah~ S-Sanemi" you moaned out nuzzling your face onto his shoulder to get closer to him. Hearing his groans and chuckles put on edge. He suddenly stopped and took out his fingers.

"W-why did you stop" you panted upset he stopped.  Sanemi chuckled against your ear and whispered.
"I'm not letting you come yet~ don't you want me inside of you"
You blushed and finally caught your breathe.

"I-I want you Sanemi" you said lustfully. He then sat up to look at and smirked. He took off the rest of the clothes he had left and now was completely naked. He got back between your legs and leaned forward to kiss your forehead.

"Tell me if it's too much and I'll stop ok" he said softly. You nodded and exhaled to relax more. You feel his member touch the outside of your entrance and you flinch at the sudden touch.

"Hold on to me, and relax" he said against your ear before kissing your cheek and nuzzling into your neck.caressing your thighs while your legs are wrapped around his waist.
You wrap your arms around his neck and rest your head on his shoulder.

Sanemi slowly began to enter you stopping to let you adjust. You winced and glared your fangs a bit at the slight pain when he continued to enter you. Once he was completely inside you and looked up to see you shaking a bit.

"Relax, itll feel good soon"  he said. Sanemi kissed your forehead and massaged your thighs until he saw you relax. He begin to move in and out slowly while see your face expression change little by little.

You felt pleasure flow through your body and you rigged Sanemi's hair everytime he would slam back inside of you a little harder.  You moaned out his name when he began to pick up the pace. He whisper sweet nothings in your earn while moaning quietly.

You felt the same weird feeling again a knot in your stomach. You tilted your head back and drooled a bit in pleasure. He soon started hit your G spot again and you yelped.

"R-right there" you moaned. He slammed harder and faster each time your hips hit each other. You grabbed his face and kissed him roughly him returning it back. He started to get sloppy when the climax was about to come.

"Y/n~ I love you~" Sanemi growled slamming hard into your core.
"S-Sanemi.....I-I'm gonna~"  you could barely get the words out when being overwhelmed by pleasure.  You arched your back when you had that knot in your stomach again. You couldn't hold it in must longer and then released. Sanemi rose our your organism until he reaches his peak and release inside of you.

Sanemi laid next to you then pulled you to his chest and covered yourselves with the blankets. You nuzzle your face into his chest and feel him kiss your forehead.

"Are you ok...?" Sanemi asked

You nodded and land your hands on his chest and abs he pulled you closer. You feeling secure and warm by his touch you smiled.
Sanemi rest his chin on your head and closed his eyes.

"I love you~" you softly said before you immediately fallen asleep.

"Love you too idiot, I'll make nothing happens to you"

Don't worry this is not even close to ending so ya just wanna clarify that before some you precious peeps start crying 😂😂😂💕🧚

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