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You made it to their hideout which had a seal to hide it.
"Welcome back" the demon women said
Tanjiro had worry in his face when he saw another women in a bed.
"Ah is she alright? I'm so sorry for leaving her with you"
The demon looked at the women and put her hand on the women's forehead.
"She's fine now, her husband he's a different case. He's being held in the dungeon right now"
You crossed your arms while some of your h/c slipped in front of you and covered part of your right eye.
"Does it feel uncomfortable handling or healing a human" tanjiro asked innocently.
Tanjiro got punched in the stomach instantly, you looked at the two boys.
"Stop why must you resort to violence" the demon women said.
"I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Tamayo and this child is Yushiro. Please try to get along with him"
There was an awkward silence, so you decided to break it and give out a sigh which made yushiro look at you same with everyone else.
"I'm Y/n, A hashira. The blood pillar who was turned into a demon thanks to this nichirin sword" you point to your kitana.
"I see you were unintentionally turned into a demon" tamayo said looking down at your sword.
You shook your head and turned your head away from their gazes.
"No...I knew this sword would turn me into a demon if I drawed it.... I was 15 back then when it happened....was trying to save my younger sister from a man and a demon" you mumbled the last part.
Tanjiro and yushiro looked at you while you were trying to hide your face from them. You soon turned back when tamayo spoke.
"And to answer your question it does not feel particularly uncomfortable. I have an easier time with it compared to normal demons"
You leaned on a wall and relaxed the tension on your muscles. Yushiro was watching your every move same with tanjiro.

"I am able to manipulate my body to my own whim, which made it possible for me to remove kibutsuji's curse as well"
Tanjiro was a bit confused but you got the whole picture immediately.
"Mani-manipulate your body?" Tanjiro questioned
"It means I can survive even without partaking human flesh. All I need is to drink a mall amount of human blood that's all"

You and the others moved or another room and sat acroos from each other.
You sat. Cross crossed and leaned your head on your hand.
"Yushiro is even more impressive as he only needs a minuscule amount of blood to survive. I was the one that transformed him into a demon"
You listen contented interested in the conversation you leaned off your hand and crossed your arms.
"For me I didn't touch blood at all and yet I'm powerful to use my demon Skill into my nichirin sword and that sword takes my blood and uses it for skills" you said part of your voice soften when speaking.
"Wait really!" Tanjiro exclaimed you nodded.
Tamayo looked at you and so did Yushiro.
"Interesting I haven't heard of that before, tell me do you know how that demon sword was made"
" the demonic sword was found in a cave that had symbols on it..... umm the demon sword was made to kill demons but in return it would take your humanity. I was the only one out of millions of people back then who can wield the nichirin sword."
You grabbed your sword and set it in front of you looking at the very details of it.
"It only accepted me out of everyone, when I turned into a demon I didn't sense thirst for humans... be thirst to kill demons... perhaps whenever I kill a demon I gain my energy back"
Tamayo thought for a moment and then looked at you.
"I doubt it because how often did you kill a demon this year"
"Not often really" you said
"Then you must be Able to gain strength by just eating what ever your eating"

You thought for a second until you realized you only at certain human foods that have high quality nutrition and ate animals sometimes.
"Well that makes sense then cause I only eat high nutrition foods and animal meat"
"But eh...why did Yushiro turn into a demon" tanjiro asked
You put your nichirin sword back to your belt holding you skirt and uniform.
"Indeed people other than kibutsuji are unable to increase the amount of demons this is factually correct" Tamayo said
"However after going through over 200 years the only person that was able to transform into a demon was Yushiro"
You looked at tanjiro who was flipping out by the age and wondering how old was Tamayo.
Yushiro then punched tanjiro's side and started yelling at him.
You had a tick mark on your forehead. You were getting a headache from all the shouting once in awhile.
"Honestly learn to compose yourselves please" you growled clutching onto your haori.
"Yushiro I'm not going to forgive you if you hit Him again"
"Understood!" Yushiro said while sitting down.
You Rubbed your temple with you hand and ran it through your bangs. You can sense two other presence not to long from here. You sword shivered a little as well.
You tensed up and Yushiro also tanjiro noticed how your shoulders became stiff.
"Y/n Chan is something wrong?" Tanjiro asked. You looked at the two boys looking at you.
"Why yes...just got a weird sense is all"
"Are you sure cause your fangs seem to grow an inch when you tensed up" tanjiro said pointing to your two fangs on your teeth.
You put your hand to your mouth and felt it become sharp.
"Heh it's normal.... it happens when I feel uncomfortable or my sword starts moving on it's own" you said shaking off the tension on your shoulders a bit.

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