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"L/n I need you for something" Obanai said glaring at Sanemi

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"L/n I need you for something" Obanai said glaring at Sanemi. Sanemi glared back and cursed under his breathe.
"What the fuck! I was gonna talk to her damn it" Sanemi yelled
"Whatever you were too slow and hesitant" Obanai  said now looking at you.

"I need your help  about Mitsuri"

"Why me"

"Because I want to give her a gift"

You raised an eyebrow and then leaned on the wall to remove weight on your legs a bit.
"She's an open minded girl I'm sure she'll love anything you gift her Obanai" you said

"Ya but-"

"No buts just find a gift that draws you and she'll love it. She's the kindest person I know who will accept anything" you said.
Obanai nodded and turned to walk away but Sanemi didn't let it slide.
"Seriously you interrupted because of that" Sanemi growled.
Obanai disappeared not replying at all.
You sighed in relief and then looked at Sanemi who was pissed.

"Sorry Sanemi" you said

You leaned off the wall and look at him and smiled lightly.
"You can tell what you were gonna say.. or if your not in the mood to right now be sure to tell me later"
Sanemi sighed and groaned a bit while stroking some of his white hair back with his rough hand.

You could tell he didn't want to say it now sense the moment was ruined so you decided to give him space.

"Dammit!" Sanemi hissed quietly to himself

The next day was normal though you were quiet like not talking at really. You would give Sanemi the one word phrases whenever he tried to talk.
You were acting like this because you had a wave of loss confidence really. Not only that you got a small piece of the memory you were missing after arguing with blood queen.

Dream 2: memory the X scar

After the year your sister died and  you turned into a demon by the sword. you killed every single demon brutally, you even killed humans when it comes down to the truth.
You walked into the dark night forest in the rain only hearing puddles splash and leaves dripping . You had blood on your face from killing a man who was trying to kidnap a child in a small village.

One of those men ganged up on you and used a whip that had poison on it and slashed your back with it.
The big slashed that made an x on your back now burned like hell and was bleeding. You slid down onto a trunk and leaned on it to rest.

Well you rested your eyes till you heard a heart beat and the smell of a demon who ate a human.

You got up slowly like a doll and disappeared.
The demon was walking around until a slash to its neck and his head fell down.
You appeared after his head came off.

The Wind and Blood (Sanemi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now