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(Felix was driving)

FELIX: so did Minho tell you where he exactly went?

JISUNG: *pout* not really. He just said he has family stuff to deal with.

FELIX: hm. Poor him. Has to go through this much.

JISUNG: hey! What about me huh?

FELIX: *chuckles* yeah you too. Anyways we're here.

JISUNG: ooo yayy.
The two boys had a lot of fun going on rides. The boring air around Jisung turned to an exciting and amusing atmosphere.

Well that was until they rode the rollercoaster.

Both boys were out fo their minds after the ride. Shivering and goosebump feelings filled the air.

JISUNG: lix can we go to the ferris wheel round now.

FELIX: yeah we certainly should. To calm down ya know.

JISUNG: let's goooo

FELIX: haha wait sungie.

JISUNG: wait let's go get some drinks first.

FELIX: k I'll order.

JISUNG: are you gonna ask me what I want?

FELIX: no I already know Mr. Cappuccino

JISUNG: haha ok.

(After they get drinks)

JISUNG: Now let's goooo

FELIX: sung wait. Slow down (😏😜)

Felix gets in the ride with an overexcited Jisung. The both sit in the ride waiting till they go to the top.

Once they reach the top, the ride stopped for a while, giving the boys time to look at the beautiful view under them from the huge ferris wheel.

JISUNG: beautiful isn't it?

FELIX: yeah.

Jisung looks up at Felix and they met eyes. The boys shot each other with bright smiles, realising that it had been long enough since they've last spend time together.

JISUNG: Lix, there's latte under lips.

FELIX: where?

Felix makes a funny face trying to wipe the drink off his face, making Jisung laugh in the process.

JISUNG: wait lemme help ya.

I'm pretty sure you think you know what happened. But guess what? You don't.

Cuz Jisung didn't remove the latte with his fingers. Oh no he did more than that.

Jisung slowly leaned close to Felix (who was sitting opposite to him)  and kicked the latte off his pink lips.

The shocking part was when he sat back with an innocent smile, like nothing ever happened! Like that wasn't the weirdest things friends would do!

FELIX: J-Jisung

JISUNG: did you just stutter? *chuckles* why you stuttering man?

FELIX: w-what was t-that?

JISUNG: what? I just helped you.

FELIX: b-but-

JISUNG: come on don't act like we've never done that.


This wasn't something new. They used to do these stuff when they were young. At that time it was nothing. Thy could kiss each other ON THE LIPS and not only them but even their families wouldn't mind. The whole town knew how close these two friends were.

But those are left as memories now. Just memories.

Things were different now. Everything changed since Minsung started dating.

I'm not saying that Jisung and Felix grew apart. No not at all.

But I'm not saying they did those stuff anymore. Kissing, full day hangouts, sleepovers.

JISUNG: lix I really miss the old times. Can't we go back to exactly how we were before?

Jisung said, emphasizing the word "exactly".

Felix gulped. He was nervous all of a sudden.

Why though. He thought.

He was sure he would be glad to get back like old times. But maybe not right now. Not at this moment.

FELIX: I-I s-sure.

JISUNG: I still don't understand why you are stuttering but yayyy.

Everything's gonna be like old times. Jisung thought.

But was it really?
How was this chap?


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