The sun was scorching hot. I feel like I'm burning. The principal wasnt likely to finished his speech either. None of the students paid any attention.

After what felt like an hour, he finally end his speech and then we all clapped, may I say, without much enthusiasm.

I managed to slip off in almost all the events. But at the end of the day, I was dragged by our Class President to participate in the relay race because some girl who I forgot her name, injured herself in the marathon. Pressured by the whole class, now I am here, standing, waiting for my classmate to pass me the baton.

As soon as he passed me the baton, I ran as fast as I can. I didnt even know I could run this fast. I was smiling inside. I feel like I've discovered my hidden talent. But as I looked to my side, I saw that I was behind everyone else.

I gave my all and this is the result. What a joke.

But nonetheless, I managed to pass the baton to my classmate.

I was exhausted. I didnt even bother to know the result. All I need right now is a quite place where I can rest.

I made my way to the infirmary. Every steps felt so heavy.

After many heavy steps, I finally reached the infirmary.

Then I felt my foot throbbed. I managed to get to the bed with the help of the walls, but the throbbing didnt stop.

"Rose, are you okay?" Mark ran inside the infirmary.

"My foot hurts" I answered.

He quickly kneeled down and examined it.

"You twist it" He confirmed and went to the freezer and grab ice pack.

"Idiot. You dont even exercise. If you run like that who wouldnt get hurt. You really are an idiot.."


"You think you're so smart. But you cant even take care of yourself. I have to run after you all the time.."

"MARK?" I shouted to get his attention. He finally stopped his wrapping and looked up to me.

"I'm fine" I assured him.

"You always say that" he reply bluntly.

"But I'm really fine. Come on its not a big deal. Its just a sprain, you're overreacting"

"There. Done. You sure you're okay"

I nodded.

" I have to attend the closing function. You stay here, I'll pick you up after school" he said planting a kiss on my forehead and head out.


Note : Bold letters are word said in English.

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