(2) Ideation

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I am looking down right now

I'm at my favorite spot

You know,

The one by the ocean

Except this time there are sharks there.

Should I? Should I not?

I don't know.

Things are just not the same anymore.

Anxiety holds me hostage inside my head

While depression makes me want to go into bed

But this?

This I just can't take no more.

No-one getting it!

No-one understanding!

What am I supposed to do, hmm?

You want me to not jump, right?

Well I don't care

I just want to fall

Nobody will care....

Nobody will love....

Instead they put on these expectations

What do you want from me?

I do everything!

I appreciate you

I appreciate all my surrounding!

What else is there to do?

Nothing is ever good enough

But you want to know what is?

This ocean...

It appreciates me, you know?

It's calling towards me.



Telling me

I can make you feel good enough.


But should I even listen?


Why am I so indecisive?

Why aren't you here to stop me?

Why are my legs moving?




Save me


I don't want to feel tired anymore

But how can I not when it's my parents

It's the people at my school?

I'm at my favorite spot

But now...

It doesn't seem to be my favorite anymore

It's just an empty shell

With no more sharks

And I'm not going back anymore

I'm so sorry...


Forgive me

I just don't want to feel this pain no-more. 

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