I'm fine....

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You know,

Sometimes people come up to me

And they ask

"How are you?

How was your day?"

And I say

I'm fine 

That everything is okay

That everything is great

So just go ahead

Go on about your day


That's not what I really want to say

What I really want to say is:

I'm not okay

That I'm not okay

I'm drowning

I'm drowning 

And I am seeing life right in front of me

It pass me by

Day by day

And I keep missing out on things that could be great

Because life hates me


Hates me

It leaves me in the pit of darkness

Making me think

It makes me think

That no-one really cares

That no-one really likes me

That no-one truly do respect me

That I am not good enough

That I am not strong enough 

That I'm weak

It keeps making me think

Thinking these vicious thoughts

And thinking hurts

It hurts me

And that

That makes me tired

So tired that I can't sleep

That I can't get out of bed

Because I'm drowning

I'm drowning 

And I'm seeing life right in front of me

Seeing everyone breathing

Why can't I have that?

Why must it always be me

The one who suffers

The one who has to be alone 

Or the one who feels lonely?

But I can't say that

I can't tell them that

Because my anxiety will never allow me to

It holds me back

Makes me doubt

Makes me run

And keep things I want to say 

Away from me

Because again

I can't say that

Because no-one will understand

No-one really wants to understand 

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