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We woke up at 5 in the morning so that we could make it to the airport on time. I was sad to be leaving Spain but I will be visiting again for spring break.

Jorge didn't want to get up and leave and asked for 5 more minutes of sleep but this time I was not letting that slide. So he got up and changed then we left for the airport. I don't have any classes until January 2nd which is nice.

Picking the early flights are the best because there aren't that many people at airports plus not many people on the planes. Also there are no crying babies. I was kind of excited to get back to Michigan. I really like it there. Even though it is super cold in the winter.

We went through security and all that jazz then waited for our plane. There were not many people on our flight. Only about 10 people. I slept most of the flight and so did Jorge.

Once we got off the plane we were hit with the freezing cold air of Michigan. We got a cab and the drive to our dorm wasn't far. I was for sure going to sleep when we got to our dorm. We got there and went all the way up to our dorm.

As soon as we got to our dorm I took my shoes off and laid in bed. Jorge came over to me and laid down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and we both fell asleep.

When we woke up it was 8 and neither of us were tired anymore. We ordered chipotle and got it delivered to us because we were both to lazy to drive there. Sleeping all day wasn't the best idea because now we will be up all night but that's fine.

The food got here pretty quick which was amazing. We turned on our favorite show lucifer and ate. We watched for almost 4 hours then it was midnight and neither of us could sleep.

"Benji we should go for a walk" Jorge suggested. I agreed and we went to a small near by park. It was quiet and cold but I didn't mind. Until we saw this shady guy following us. We pretended to ignore it and started to make our back to our dorm.

The figure was still behind us so we picked up our pace a little and so did the guy. I whispered to Jorge that we should run. I grabbed my keys out of my pocket so I could open the door as soon as we got there. I counted to 3 and we ran as fast as we could and sure enough the guy started running to.

We ran to our dorm building and up the stairs as fast as we could. The guy wasn't far behind us. We got to our floor and bolted to our dorm. The guy was at the end of the hallway and running toward us and I tried to et the door open but the key wouldn't go in. He was almost to us and finally got the door open. I pushed Jorge in before me to make sure he didn't get hurt. We made it into the dorm and slammed the door shut and locked it. Once it was locked I pulled Jorge into my arms. His breathing was heavy and he started freaking out. He was shaking really bad and I could tell he was having an anxiety attack.

The guy started banging on the door and that only freaked Jorge out more. He started hyperventilating and I tried to help him but I didn't know what to do. I held him close to me and whispered sweet things in his ear.

Eventually the banging stopped and Jorge had calmed down. He was still In shock about what happened. I held him so tight. I didn't want to let go. I just want to keep him safe.

"what just happened Benji. It was awful. I couldn't breathe and it felt like the walls were closing in on me. It was terrible" he said quietly.

"you had an anxiety attack baby but you're okay now. No one is going to hurt you" We were on the floor and I had him tightly in my arms.

"Is that what your panic attacks feel like" He asked. I nodded and he frowned.

"How do you deal with those so often. They are terrible" he said

"Well its not easy and it sucks a lot but I have the best person to help me" He smiled and leaned up and kissed me.

"I love you Benji"

"I love you to Jorge" We sat there for 10 minutes when I got a text.

Grayson😒🙄: you got away this time but next time you guys wont be so lucky.

Now this text sent chills down my spin. I thought he was in jail. I showed Jorge the text and I could tell he was going to have an attack again but I stopped it.

"Hey hey hey, baby its okay I promise. He wont do anything to you or me. Okay" I pulled him closer to me. He nodded and cuddled into me more.

"Do you want to try to sleep baby" He shook his head no and I nodded and picked him up so we could go to my bed. I laid he down and I laid down next to him. I turned on his favorite Disney movie which is the little mermaid.

Half way through the movie I heard him snoring quietly. I smiled and turned the movie off. I kissed his forehead and fell asleep myself.

"Goodnight mi amor" I whispered.

Around 4 in the morning I woke up to Jorge crying. I shot up and pulled him into my arms.

"you- you- the man- he killed you- I cant lose you" He cried.

"Shh its okay baby its okay. Im okay I promise" We stayed like that for an hour and then he fell asleep again. I fell asleep about an hour after him. I slept like a baby for the rest of the night. When I woke up I got some of the worst news ever.

I woke up and Jorge wasn't next to me which was weird. Then my phone started to ring. I picked it up and my heart dropped.

"Is this Benjamin Krol" a male voice asked

"Yes it is why"

"Im so sorry to say but Jorge Garay was hit by a car and is now in critical condition"

Word count: 1112 Date: 5-26-20
Ayy two chapters in one day!

Have a great day/ night💕

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