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"And we are sentencing you to the death penalty" my heart dropped

"No I didn't do it please" I pleaded. Jorge was crying at this point and I wanted nothing more than just to hold him and tell him everything is okay but everything wasn't ok.

The officers came and grabbed me and escorted me to the car. I walked past Jorge and quickly gave him a kiss. I'm going to miss him so much. I don't want to leave him. I didn't even kill Grayson.

The drive back to the prison was short and I felt empty. We got to the prison and when I got there I went straight to the guys. Toni saw me and stood up. I walked over to him and hugged him. Then I started crying. The other guys got up and joined the hug.

"What is your sentence Benji" Toni asked

"D-death penalty" I started crying more. Toni, me and the guys all went to Toni and I's cell. I sat on my bed and cried.

"I can't die. I can't leave Jorge I have to protect him. Who is going to protect him now" I started freaking out. I couldn't breathe and I started to scratch my arms but Jim grabbed them so I couldn't

"I'm sorry kid. You don't deserve this" Toni said. I put my face in my pillow and screamed. 

"I didn't even kill him guys" Kevin sat next to me.

"It's unfair Benji and i will be out in 2 weeks. When all the guys are out we will make sure Jorge is okay. We promise" Kevin reassured. The other guys agreed. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I don't want to die. I used to want to. If Jorge wasn't alive I wouldn't mind dying. He gives me a reason to live"

Thy didn't say anything they just hugged me. It was nice having them here. They didn't judge me for anything. I never Thought I would make friends in jail. Well to be fair I never thought I would be in jail so. I have a week left and then I die.

"I didn't even kill him guys" I cried. No matter how much I hated him I would never kill him. I have never been this upset before. Like what the hell is this. I wish this was all just a bad dream and that I'm going to wake up with Jorge in my arms.

I felt numb. Knowing that In a week I'm going to die its the worst feeling ever. It's even worse when you were wrongfully accused.

"Benjamin Krol you have someone who wants to talk to you" an officer said

I got up and wiped my tears and left the guys. I followed the cop to the place where you can talk to visitors. I looked on the other side and it was Jorge. I grabbed the phone and so did he.

"I love you more than anything Jorge. I need you to know that. I also need you to know I didn't kill Grayson" I told him

"I know you didn't kill Grayson baby. I love you so much. I don't know what I'm going to do without you. I hired a private investigator to look through this case as well. It's hard to know that I only have a week the price you aren't guilty but im trying Benji" he was crying and so was I

"Jorge I have a few friends in here. Their names are Toni, Kevin, Dave, Jim, and Mike. They get out of here soon and they said they will make sure you're okay when I'm gone. Toni has been the best will I've been in here but Jorge listen to me" he nodded

"When I die in a week I hope that you live your life to the fullest. I hope you find a guy who loves you more than I do which is hard because I love you so much but please find someone else" he shook his head

"I don't want anyone else"

"I know but please for me"

"I can't I'm sorry benji. You aren't dying I'm going to prove you are innocent"

"I hope you do Jorge"

"Time is up guys" an officer said

"I love you so much Jorge"

"I love you so much to Benji" and with that I got up and left.

I walked back to the guys and a few minutes later Toni was called for a visitor.

I need to talk to this Toni guy. A few minutes go by and a guy who I'm assuming was Toni came and sat down.

"Hi I'm Jorge"

"Ohh you're Benji's boyfriend. I'm Toni. Benji has told me a lot about you"

"That's sweet he talks about me but I have to talk to you"

"Okay what's up"

"Please keep Benji distracted this week. Just try to keep this whole death penalty off his mind. Please"

"Of course. I planned on it. Me and my boys got his back we are going to try and make sure he is okay this week"

"Thank you Toni"

"You're welcome and I'm sorry about what's happening to Benji. He doesn't deserve it"

"It's okay I have someone investigating the case. I'm going to prove he isn't guilty if it's the last thing I do"

"I believe in you Jorge"

"Thank you Toni. I have to meet up with the investigator I hired so bye"

"Bye Jorge" then I got up and left.

-time skip to day of Penalty-
Today's the day I die. Fuck. I was woken up by all the guys. I stood up and hugged them tightly.

"I'm so scared guys"

"We know kid but don't worry" Mike said. I wish that helped.

"We are gonna miss you kid" Toni looked like he was gonna cry.

"Benjamin Krol. It's time" an officer came to my cell.

I hugged all the guys one last time.

"Please take care of Jorge when you guys get out. Please" and with that I was being taken to a room. It got a last meal and I chose Buffalo Wild Wings. When I got there Jorge was there.

I ran to him and hugged him tightly. I pulled away and brought my lips to his.

"God I've missed you" I told him.

"I don't want to leave you" I started to cry and so did he.

"I can't even say it's okay. I don't want to lie to you" Jorge cried. Then he got a call. He quickly answered it.

"Omg get here quick. This is important please hurry" and with that he hung up the phone.

"The investigator found something that could save you. He is on his way now"

"Oh my god yes" I hugged him tightly. I was still nervous but a little less now. We are and then I was called back.

"I love you Jorge. If he doesn't get here in time just know that"

"I love you to Benji" I went with the officer and to a big open room and I saw Jorge. I sat in the chair and I was freaking out. They decided lethal injection and I didn't care. I was dying either way.

I saw the guy holding a long needle and I was freaking out.

"Any last words sir" he said.

"Jorge please tell my family I love them. Please live your life and find someone else please and when you leave go to my dorm and in my nightstand there is a box. It is for you so please open it. I love you so much. I love you more than anything in the world. Goodbye"

"I love you so much to benji" he said while crying. The guy with the needle came closer as I felt it against my neck. This was it. I closed my eyes tightly when suddenly the doors burst open.

"Wait stop"

Word count: 1336                        Date: 6-6-20
Ayooo two chapters in one day

Have a great day/ night💕

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