Forever - Keralis x Bdubs (Adri's Entry)

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(WC: 963
Category: Fluff (obviously)
Ship type: Platonic and some hinted romance
Warnings: None

Have some fluffy overly poetic Kerbdubs for your angst-ridden souls)

The sun slowly set over the horizon, making the slow transition from day to night. As the moon rose to take the sun's place, it gradually turned the sky from a deep orange color to a milky indigo shade. The stars decided to shine their light as well, covering the hills in a dim illuminance. 

Two people sat on the dock, dangling their feet in the water. Every kick sent out gentle ripples, distorting the reflection of the night sky above them. The lake reflected the atmosphere almost perfectly. 

One of them leaned forward, running a finger back and forth through the cool liquid. His companion watched him, leaning back casually and taking in the view.

The first person turned to the second and frowned slightly. "Why aren't you going to sleep, Bubbles?"

Bdubs blinked out of his reverie and turned to Keralis. "Can't we make an exception for tonight? I don't get to see the night often."

Keralis smiled slightly. "Is there a reason besides that?"

"Fine, you've got me." Bdubs leaned forward and joined Keralis at the foot of the dock. "I want to spend time with you, too." He picked up a small pebble and tossed it into the lake, watching the rings ripple out. 

"I'm flattered," Keralis replied, "But the Sleep King needs to uphold his reputation."

Bdubs pretended to look offended. "Are you implying that you don't want to spend time with me on this gorgeous night?" He started to get up, feigning disappointment. "I thought you liked me! But, if that's what you want, I guess I can leave..."

"No, no, no!" Keralis grabbed Bdubs's arm and pulled him back to the dock. "I was kidding, sweetface. I want to spend time with you."

Bdubs smirked lightly. "That's what I thought."

Turning back to the stars, the two fell into a peaceful silence, only punctuated by the soft rustle of grass and the quiet burbles of the lake. Bdubs put one arm around Keralis, pulling him closer. 

Resting his head on Bdubs's shoulder, Keralis softly asked, "What do you see in them? The stars, I mean."

Bdubs studied the stars for a moment, then took Keralis's hand and guided it across the sky. "Well, over there is Ursa Major--or the Big Dipper." He traced a spoon-like pattern in the air.

"And over there is Leo." Their hands went to a different location, outlining a shape that looked vaguely like a lion. 

"No, that's not what I meant." Keralis put his hand down. "Anyone can find those constellations by using a map or telescope. What I meant was, what do you see? What do those stars mean to you? Not what scientists think."

Bdubs hummed thoughtfully as he came up with an answer. Then, again, he took Keralis's hand and squeezed it lovingly. "Sometimes, I see new possibilities." He pointed to a particularly bright star. "I see passion and determination, a hidden path on the road."

Pointing at a dimmer, smaller star, he continued. "Other times, I see new beginnings. Sometimes, a new path isn't enough. Sometimes, people have to start from scratch and create a better outcome for themselves."

Keralis gasped quietly as a shooting star rocketed across the sky, leaving a glowing trail behind it. Bdubs smiled. 

"But none of this is possible without a positive outlook. Day after day, these stars provide light for us in the darkness, so the night isn't so bad. They shine brightly enough that we can see that light, even if they're light-years away."

Bdubs leaned against Keralis, closing the space between them. The stars seemed to glow brighter.

"But most of all, I see a future with you." He pointed to two stars, which looked like they were holding hands. One was slightly tilted and looked like it was leaning on the other.

"I see interlocked fingers, playful arguments over it's 'gif' with a hard or soft 'g', warm cocoa during the winter, and homemade popsicles that taste bad but they eat it anyway during the summer. They call each other sappy nicknames and sit under star-covered skies, wondering what meanings those stars hold, on nights like these. 

"Then, one person leans forward and tells the other that they want to be with this person for as long as possible." Bdubs smiled. "I want to be with you for as long as possible."

Keralis blushed furiously. "Aw, Bubbles..."

"It's true! I'm not being sappy." The stars were reflected in Bdubs's eyes as he looked up. "I can't imagine a life without you.

"Now," he said, turning to Keralis. "It's your turn. What do you see?"

Keralis barely had to think of an answer. He smiled. "You."

Bdubs blinked, then smiled as well. "And what do you mean by that?"

"Every time I look at these stars, I'm reminded of you. The bright ones represent your smile. The ones that keep on glowing despite everything else represent your hardworking and persistent personality. 

"And the ones that are interlocked..." he tapped Bdubs's hand knowingly. "That's you and me. Together forever."

"You say that so confidently." Bdubs looked down into the lake. "You think we'll be together forever?"

Keralis's smile faltered a bit. "D-did I misread the situation? If I did, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make things awkward--"

"No, no, that's not it." Bdubs turned to Keralis. "It's just...forever is a long time, isn't it?"

"But it's gone in the blink of an eye when I'm with you, sweetface." Keralis took Bdubs's hand, held it, and leaned against him, mimicking the stars' position up in the sky. 

Bdubs didn't have to say anything else. He just leaned against Keralis, squeezing his hand tighter.

And they sat there, both turning heads at the same time to look at the stars. 

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