Beating The Heat - 4 Platonic Ships! [Kittie's Entry]

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Hey hey hey! Gonna keep this brief since not everyone is doing an intro. But yep just gonna mention a couple things real quick:

All pairings in this oneshot are intended platonic, and you'll see a handful including ZIT, Bdoc, Mumskall, and Falseo. They can be imagined as romantic though!

Iskall's character also uses they/them pronouns here. He confirmed awhile ago that his character was nonbinary, and I for once didn't forget! :D

Note over, enjoy!


Summer on the Hermitcraft server was always a good time. No one really knew why it was always a blast, but the heat surely had something to do with it. And this summer on the server was no different. Maybe that was on account of the sea.

The ocean was a hotspot for hermits trying to beat the heat at the end of a long, hot day of building or redstone. And with the server layout this year - having the ocean at the center of their map, it made for the perfect scenario.

The first ninety-degree day was the real kick-off. Hermits in the shopping district kicking off their shoes and splashing around the shallows, only to soak themselves completely one way or the other...

"Catch me if you can!" Bdubs taunted. His jeans had been cuffed up to his shins as he splashed through the ankle-deep warm water. He glanced over his shoulder at Doc who was standing up out of the water dripping wet.

"Oh no, you didn't push Doc did you?" Tango asked with a laugh from where he was a little deeper in the water. Zedaph was clinging to his back with his legs and arms wrapped around him, and Tango had his arms looped around his legs to support him.

"He was asking for it! He made fun of my height!" Bdubs exclaimed indignantly.

"You're in for it now!" Doc shouted. He shed his soaked lab coat, tossing it up onto the shore, before taking off after Bdubs.

"Gotta run!" Bdubs took off again too, laughing as Doc gained on him. He narrowly avoided crashing into Iskall and Mumbo.

"How are you not sweating, Mumbo? It's ninety degrees and you're in a suit!" Iskall was dragging him by his wrist into the water. Mumbo had already kicked off his shoes and rolled up his dress pants, but he was hesitant.

"I'm fine, Iskall!" He loosened his tie around his neck. "I was only here to run a few errands anyways."

"Look, everyone else is in the water, come on!" They used their foot to kick some water at him. "Feel how nice it is!"

Mumbo turned his head as he heard a surprised and indignant yelp coming from Bdubs who had nearly crashed into him a few moments ago. Doc had caught him, and was holding him bridal-style.

"Put me down!" He shrieked.




"No wait I'm sorry!"

"Three!" Doc released his grip on him as he swung his arms out, throwing him into the water. "Payback!" He shouted triumphantly.

"Impulse!" Zed raised a hand to wave at him from his place on Tango's back.

"What's going on?" Impulse laughed. "I heard a lot of yelling from over here."

"It's nice! Come on in!" False piped up. Her and Cleo were already soaking wet and had gotten into a full-on splash fight with one another.

"We're all just cooling off I think," Mumbo told him uncertainly, glancing over his shoulder where he was being dragged by Iskall.

"Seriously, Mumbo! I'm sweating over here!" Iskall sighed, letting go of his arm. "If you're not coming in, I'll go in alone," They replied with a laugh, letting themself fall back in the water and getting completely soaked.

"You said we were just wading in!" Mumbo exclaimed in disbelief. He backed up a bit, laughing as he brushed a few splashed water droplets out of his hair.

Iskall resurfaced, a grin pulling at the corner of their mouth. "It's nice though!"

Impulse pried his gaze away from Iskall and Mumbo. "You sure we should be doing this?" He seemed hesitant, but his hair was slicked with sweat, and it was obvious he needed to cool off too.

"Why not!" Tango exclaimed. He gestured for him to come into the water. "Just come on!"

Zedaph let out a surprised "whoa!" as he lost his balance, and felt himself slip off Tango, and landed with a splash in the shallow water.

"Ah no, Zed!" Tango laughed. "Impulse, come on!"

Impulse shook his head smiling as he kicked his sneakers and socks off, and slowly waded into the water. "You okay, Zed?"

Zedaph pushed his wet blonde hair back, staying partially submerged. "Not bad!" He glanced over hearing a shout from Mumbo.

"Iskall, no!" He was cut off as Iskall snickered, and pulled him down the shallow drop off in the water. The drop was small, but enough for him to stumble and get soaked up to his chest too.

"Learn from my mistakes, Iskall!" Bdubs called out to him with a laugh. He was up to his chest in water trying to fight his way out of Doc's grip as the taller hybrid was trying to dunk him again.

"Iskall!" Mumbo exclaimed again. He laughed, holding his arms out and shaking his sopping sleeves.

"Well you're in now!" Iskall grinned at him smugly. "I wasn't the one who tripped you!"

Impulse glanced back at Tango and Zed, cracking a smile. Tango was trying to help him up and they were laughing hysterically. He cuffed up his shorts a bit more as he waded deeper towards them, so that he wouldn't have to get his clothes soaked yet. He offered a hand to Zedaph so the blonde could hold on to both him and Tango.

"Come on, pull and we'll help you up!" Tango encouraged. He gripped Zedaph tightly and Impulse did the same.

"Okay..." Zedaph pulled on both of their hands as he tried to stand himself up.

Surprised at the sudden tug, Impulse was dragged down instead, and landed by Zedaph, drenching himself completely

"Well so much for that!" He laughed, pushing his dripping hair back with a sigh.

Tango shrugged as he let go of Zed's hand, and let himself sink down into the water across from them. "If you guys are in, count me in too!"

"Wha- is that how it is with us?" Impulse asked with a slight laugh of disbelief. "One of us does something stupid and we all join in too?"

Zedaph and Tango exchanged a quick look. "Yes," They said in unison, before erupting into more laughter.

Another laugh could be heard farther out from False. Her and Cleo were soaked up to their hair, and had swam out to a sandbar. They were sitting cross-legged in the shallow area of the water, laughing lightly and chatting with one another.

They'd been the first two to get thoroughly soaked after a competitive splash fight, but hadn't really complained. After all, it was still the hottest day of the year. Even with the day's temperature beginning to drop off, no one wanted to call it a day just yet.

Iskall was trying to convince Mumbo to swim out to the sandbar with them, insisting Mumbo was 'in this far'.

Bdubs and Doc were still after one another. Bdubs was clung to Doc's back, trying to drag him backwards into the water. No one could tell if they were laughing, yelling at one another, or both. Although it was likely both knowing them.

The ZIT trio had managed to get up out of the water, and Zedaph was trying to figure out a way to lift both Impulse and Tango, but each attempt just ended in the three of them falling back down either out of laughter or clumsiness.

There was an unspoken sense of disappointment that the day was ending, but in reality, this was only the beginning. Summer on the Hermitcraft 7 server was bound to be a good one. 

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