The Last Time - Architects Family Dynamic - ( Cat's entry )

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(A/N Heyo, welcome to my fic! Sorry it's late, I was having some issues with Wattpad. No trigger warnings, though there is some slight spoilers for Hamilton. Sorry not sorry! Also, this has not been proofread because I'm lazy :'). )

Iskall smiled, their legs dangling off the side of the snow-tipped house. Their untidy hair would occasionally fall into their face due to the wind, and their stomach tensed every time they looked down, but they loved sitting up there, watching the sun set.

There was something comforting about it, but the brunette knew they couldn't lounge there forever, the cyborg had important things to do. They knew there was only so much time before they took them, and they were not planning on spending that time alone. Still, it was such a pretty sight from up there...

No, not again. Remember what happened last week? Omega embarrassing. I totally missed the meeting! This is important, this could be the last time I see them. I can't be late.

They pushed themselves up, huffing as they did so. Iskall, no matter how hard they tried, couldn't not get distracted. It as a terrible habit they had picked up somewhere and couldn't seem to let go.

They clambered over to the window, and slid inside, snow falling off their jacket and onto the carpet. They shut the window with a slam, and began to find their way to the living room. They were supposed to be having a movie night with their brothers- Grian and Mumbo- though if they knew Mumbo, it would really late before he got home.

As expected, the only one there was Grian.

"There you are! You want butter on the popcorn?" Grian called, holding a bowl with the said salty kernels.

Iskall smiled at his younger brother, leaning against the staircase. "Of course! Who do you think I am?"

"Okie-dokie, just gotta microwave them real quick!"

Grian slid the bowl into the microwave, and after pressing a few buttons (Which Grian was a fan of), it began to spin around with a slight buzzing noise. After a few seconds, the sound of popping began coming from the bowl.

Iskall took off their coat, hanging it on a rack near the door, and made their way to the couch."Whatddya want to watch?" They asked, taking their brother's attention away from the popcorn.

"Uhhh, I dunno... Ooh, how about The Night Before Christmas?"

"It's already past Christmas! Besides, we watch that all the time. You're seriously gonna make me watch that again? It's omega boring."

"Hmph, fine. You just choose, I'll get the snacks 'n popcorn ready."

The cyborg started flipping through the options, until they found something that caught their eye. "How about Hamilton? I've never watched it, but I have heard lots of good things about it."

"Sounds good!" Grian said, bringing the bowl of heavily-buttered popcorn.

"Should we... wait for Mumbo or no?"

Grian snorted, sitting down beside Iskall and placing the popcorn on the coffee table in front of them. "If he isn't here in five minutes, we start."


Iskall was suddenly cut off by the sound of a door swinging open, as a snow-covered Mumbo walked in. He wore an easy smile. The suited man sat a binder down underneath the rack, and walked over to his two older brothers.

"Goodness me- I'm sorry I'm late again. You know how my job is..."

Mumbo wasn't exactly Grian or Iskall's blood relative, as he had been adopted at a young age. Nevertheless, Iskall was glad Mumbo was a part of their life, with his goofy grin and clumsy posture.

"You're not too late, actually. We have decided without you, however, that we are gonna watch Hamilton." Grian said, throwing a piece of popcorn into his mouth.

"Well I'm not complaining about that." Mumbo replied, sitting down beside Iskall.

"Should I start it?" Iskall asked.


Iskall nodded, pressing their thumb down on the remote, and the musical began to play. By now it was dark out, the snow drifting softly against the dark black sky. The only sounds that could be heard inside the house was the singing of the actors and Grian's constant chomping on the popcorn.

Mumbo's reactions to the whole thing were quite hilarious- he kept gasping, causing Iskall and Grian to fall into a pile of giggles. When the King's part came, Grian began to sing along, stretching out some parts and glaring at Mumbo as he sung "I'll kill your freinds and family... to remind you of my love!"

The green-eyed brunette felt secure in the sloppy hug from Mumbo and Grian leaning against him- They wished they didn't have to leave them. Even so, they were glad they could spend their last moments -their last bit of time- with their family.

When the got to the part where Philip died, Mumbo cried out dramatically, which in turn ruined the mood that and been built up for Grian and Iskall as they dissolved into a fit of laughter. Further on in the musical, Iskall felt Mumbo's head fall on their shoulders. Asleep. Iskall smiled fondly at him, not daring to move and wake him up.

As the musical rounded to an end, Grian tugged at Iskall's cold hand, grabbing it. He drowsily looked up at his older brother, concern dancing in his eyes.

"Iskall... will you promise to me that you'll come back? Promise me that this won't be the last time I see you."

Iskall grasped Grian's hand in return, closing their eyes and taking in a deep breath.

"I promise, Gri."

( My mind literally just went HAMILTON MOIVE NIGHT and this happened. Anyway, this has been Cat, and I hope I made you smile at least a little bit.)

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