8 || Going Shopping With Them Would Include (1)

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- Going grocery shopping at least once a week. Sometimes twice

- Filling an entire cart with groceries because Steve needs to eat, a lot

- Him looking a little sheepish at the pure volume of food you buy

- Disguises because people recognize him

- Speed running through your grocery shopping

- Always donating to the cashier charity


- Tony isn't used to shopping for himself

- Him zooming to the alcohol section

- Putting some bottles back while he isn't looking

- Vegetables? What are those?

- So much coffee

- Putting healthy foods in the cart so Tony will have to eat them


- Neither of you know how to cook so a lot of frozen meals

- She sits directly inside the cart in her sweats. You hand her the groceries and she piles them into her lap

-Forgetting Natashas not supposed to sit in the cart because you're just so used to it by now

- Wine, wine, wine

- A lot of sandwich materials alongside your frozen foods

- A lot of late night runs to the corner store because if you need something, you need it now


- Riding on the handlebars as Clint pushes the cart behind you

- Tossing the groceries in the cart over his shoulder without looking

- Forgetting he can't do that with glass bottles and plastic ones or they break

- Apologizing profusely to whoever has to clean up your mess

- Buying something new every time you go shopping because you both like experimenting with foods

- Snacks, duh


- The concept of grocery shopping is beyond him

- He's so used to having the food made for him in Asgard that the first time, he simply followed you around, looking confused and intrigued

- Filling the cart with an ungodly amount of food because he can eat enough for 3

- Him wandering around as you do the shopping

- Lots of bread and carbs

- Thor talking way too loudly with the cashier for way too long and you having to gently move him along

- Taking all the groceries into the house in one trip


- Buying healthy foods

- Spending the longest time in the tea aisle because he can't decide which he wants

- Buying enough tea to last a year

- Self check-out because social anxiety

- Never more than a few feet from each other

- Stopping by the corner store after for new notebooks, pens, or sticky notes, for him


- Each of you have your own basket

- Goofing off most of the time

- Finding the weirdest item in the store and slipping it into the others basket when they aren't looking

- He cooks, you bake

- Whoops! Forgot that last item. Wait in line, I'll be back quick!

- Guessing what the other will cook/bake by looking at the groceries


- You guys buy more for Maverick and Cleo than for yourselves

- Bucky splurges on dog toys and treats

- Seriously, you leave him alone in the PetCo for one minute and his arms are full of toys

- You without fail check out the little fish at the back of the store

- Never turning your back on Bucky

- You've never left the store empty handed

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