20 || They're Drunk (1)

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Though Steve can't get drunk anymore, that doesn't mean he doesn't have a few interesting stories. He told you one once - of the first time he and Bucky had gotten drunk together. Steve was 16, and Bucky'd managed to swipe a couple beers from his parents for the two of them to share. After only the second beer, Steve was a stumbling, mumbling, drunken fool, and Bucky could barely stop laughing at everything Steve was doing. Through slurred words, Steve kept trying to get Bucky to box against him, and it was all Bucky could do to keep Steve from accidentally punching himself in his own face. And when Mrs. Rogers came home earlier than expected, he had to put on his very best charming, innocent smile while Steve lay buried in a blanket under Bucky's body, muttering muffled curses at Bucky and wriggling viciously like a very very large worm.


When Tony gets drunk, it's hard to tell at first. He just starts rambling. And knowing Tony Stark, he talks endlessly if you'll let him, so you don't even notice until he's maybe 6 or 7 drinks in. It only took you a few months to figure it out, but he has a certain tick that he does when he's drunk too. He'll start squinting at things. Only for a second at a time, but he'll squint at something when he's talking, then continue rambling on, acting like he's not doing it. But as soon as that starts you know its about time to take that glass from his hands.


Natasha is an absolute beast at shots. She could down an entire bottle of vodka and you wouldn't be able to tell Sober-Natasha from Drunk-Natasha. It's almost impressive actually. You've only ever seen her drunk a handful of times. And when that's happened, she's always been very smiley. She'll take a sip of her beer, give you a slightly lopsided smile, lean in to kiss your shoulder and take another sip. At parties, she's never one to sit still, and will bounce from group of group before setting down with you, your knees brushing against each other, and that sweet, child-like grin on her face. Of all the drunk people you've ever met, she's perhaps the most pleasant.


Clint drunk is a guaranteed night of fun. He's certainly the life of the party. He'll be making dad jokes left and right, twirling drumsticks between his fingers, and finding games for you all to play. Oh, and perhaps one of the best things of all - he'll do trick shots absolutely slammed. For no reason other than because he wants to. He'll ask you what you want to see - throwing an egg into a cup from 20 feet away, shooting two arrows at once, hitting a multitude of swinging targets with the same arrow, splitting an apple in two with just a rubber band and a pencil - if you can think of it, he's done it. On one of the most notable occasions, he shot an arrow upside down on the couch, through the open living room window and into an empty bird nest at the top of the barn. The next morning he hadn't even remembered doing that. But to this day, you've kept it there, as a memento for that night.


It goes without saying that Thor's a very loud drunk. He can down more drinks in half and hour than you can in a whole night. When you first started going out it was a little embarrassing to take him out to bars because he would just be so loud. He would chat with everyone there in that booming voice of his, telling stories and drawing a little too much attention to himself. You've even gotten yourselves booted from a few places because his stories caused such a ruckus in the crowd that other patrons began complaining. But he's not a bad drunk - a little rambunctious, sure - but he's an absolute sweetheart, and half of the time, he's telling everyone all the amazing things about you, and proclaiming his love for you to everyone listening.


A drunk Bruce Banner is not a  sight one comes across often, but when you do, boy is it an adorable one. He turns into the sweetest thing - this giggly, talkative and social guy, who looks like he has no worries in the world. His anxieties seem to evaporate off of him, and seeing him be so open and carefree is a rather delightful sight. He'll be walking around, eyes bright with interest, hair a little dishevelled, but the smile on his face is absolutely breathtakingly adorable. You won't even  be able to comprehend what he's talking about sometimes - his words get so jumbled you're not even sure how he keeps talking - but he doesn't even seem to notice it. And he'll recover quite nicely too, with hardly a headache the next day.


Sam is the ultimate drunk. He's the life of the party. But the one thing he loves to do more than anything, you've noticed,  is dance. It Doesn't matter what kind of music is on - it doesn't even matter if there is any music - he will be absolutely shredding it on the dance floor. Whether it's  shimmying his hips a little, full blown breakdancing, or pulling you into the fray with him, he's always having a good time. It's hard to dampen his spirits when he's had a few good drinks, and he always wants you to share in on his fun. It's certainly hard not to have a bad time when you're with him.


Before Bucky joined the army - before everything with HYDRA and falling and the Winter Soldier business, Bucky was just a kid living in New York with his best friend. And being the little scamp he was (his own words, not yours) he's told you many stories of the mischief he used to get into when he was a teen - much of it by Steve's side. Turns out, a drunk Bucky Barnes was 'the most sarcastic piece of shit you'd ever meet' - again, Bucky's own amused words, not yours. And according to Steve, he was quite a bit of a flirt too - charming smile, silver tongue and all. That comment certainly earned him a smack from Bucky as soon as the words left his lips.

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