11|| Cooking

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When you started dating, neither of you knew how to cook very well. Sure, pasta and omelettes was easy enough, but once you moved in together, it became a unanimous decision to learn. Considering how often you guys had friends over for dinner, learning to cook also gave you an excuse to show off in front of them. So you took up couples cooking classes. It was undeniably fun, and Steve ended up getting really into it. He would enthusiastically attend each class, listen with keen intent, and go shopping the moment you could. It was cute, seeing him getting so excited about something like that.


He is an absolute disaster of a cook when he hasn't slept. He once fell asleep standing up, frying pan held in an iron grip, the pan melted to the stove. The pressure cooker was in pieces and the microwave was smoking. You honestly don't know how you survived it or how he didn't wake up. You don't let him into the kitchen unless he's slept the night before anymore. And even then, under tight supervision.


Neither of you know to cook. The most you've made was pasta, and even that didn't turn out right. You've tried cooking more than that - the both of you - but to little avail. You just don't seem to have the knack for it. Frozen meals and takeout is your go-to. Sandwiches are a close second.


You both are pretty good cooks - Clints love of food combined with your desire to try new foods means you both cook in the kitchen. You switch out who makes the dinner every other night, and when the kids come along, lord only knows how much they take after their father. Cooking is a prized skill in your household.


Thor isnt used to cooking, like at all. He's used to living like a prince - everything made for him. You took the time to teach him, since he genuinely looked interested in learning. You found out quickly that he's actually a really good cook. He has a knack for pairing flavours, and it comes in handy often.


Bruce tends to avoid the kitchen. The last time he cooked was with Tony, and considering how shit he is at making meals, it didn't end well. Now it stresses him out too much with all the sizzling, beeping and burning things. You've taken over the cooking - not that you mind.


Sam cooks and you bake. You found out what a good chef he was when he invited you to his home for dinner for the first time. Considering what an amazing baker you are, you guys make the perfect pair in the kitchen. He makes dinner and you make dessert. You love sharing your food with each other, and your friends can't get enough of it.


Cooking turned into a kind of a therapy for him. You originally started to teach him as a means to connect him to a sense of normalcy, but he grew to use it for more than that. When he needs to let off some steam, when he has too much on his mind, he turns to the kitchen. Sometimes, you'll wake up to find him mincing in the kitchen at 3 am, a dark cloud hanging over his head. It's nice to see him turn to healthy coping mechanisms.


Loki actually quite enjoys cooking. He purposefully keeps you out of the kitchen so he can cook you up a nice meal and surprise you with it. It was a delight to realize how skilled he actually was. He could make practically anything, and every month, he sets a side a date night to treat you to all of your favourites.


Pietro, in Pietro fashion, cannot sit still when you're trying to cook. He'll be all over the kitchen, tasting the food before it's ready, eating the ingredients, moving the pans, etc. In the past, he's tried to help you - genuinely wanting to help you out - but after he almost set the kitchen on fire, you've kicked him out. God forbid the first time he tried to bake you cookies.


Wanda is an excellent cook, and often times asks for your help in the kitchen. She's appointed you as her official taste tester, and you're more than happy to give her your two cents, telling her to adding a dash of oregano here, added spice there. Sometimes, you'll even sneak in a few tastes behind her back. She'll smack you with a spoon before giving you another taste.


Despite his usual elegance with everything else, his strength doesn't lay in the kitchen. No matter his best efforts, he always nicks his fingers and burns the food. As embarrassed as he is to admit he isn't that good at cooking, it's endearing to see how hard he tries to do well to provide food for you.

~Peter P~

Neither of you properly learned how to cook. Being two broke high school students, you rely mostly on the food given to you by adults. Moving to college, you learned how to make really good Mac and cheese, and ramen, but not much else. Most of the times, you just end up eating what you made straight from the pan.

~Peter Q~

He can't cook to save his life. The first time he stepped into the kitchen, he slammed his hand on the electric stove top because he thought it was some kind of sensor. It's hard to blame his incompetence. The last time he saw a stove was in the 80's. He can't remember he last time he cooked something for himself, and relies on you for food while he's on Earth. His teammates enjoy your food just as much as he does.


Stephen in the kitchen follows every recipe to a T. You can barely get a word in edge-wise before he shuts you down, looking pointedly at the recipe before turning back to the stove. It can be irritating sometimes, when you want to spice things up, but the food always ends up being pretty good, so it's hard to complain about the outcome.

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