On a rainy day, you're more than likely to be found inside, dressed in comfy clothes and binging on movies and shows. A lot of times it's catching up on the things Steve's missed - Star Wars, Rocky, Avatar, Disney, Looney Tunes, all those things. It's fun watching with him because he always has something to comment on. He'll murmur something under his breath, furrow his brow and purse his lips, then glance at you to see if you're looking at him. Usually you are, grinning at his expression and laughing softly under your breath.
If Tony's working through a rainy day, it's hardly any surprise. The difference then though, is that you'd be there with him, looking over his shoulder and asking questions here and there. He doesn't mind it, usually, and you'll even go snooping around at his older stuff when he gets distracted. A lot of it's junk - ideas he never bothered to finish, old models that don't work - but it's fun to see into his brain, even from years ago. You'll clear them out sometimes too - with his permission of course - dropping files into a holographic trash can and practicing your aim over his head.
At home spa day. Bubble baths, body scrubs, scented lotions, hot towels, face masks, and of course bathrobes and fuzzy slippers. You go the full nine miles for spa days, and you lounge around the house for the whole day. You pamper yourselves and each other to the max, and by the time you're done, you always feel so refreshed, and you smell sublime.
The second Clint sees the thunderclouds rolling in, he's grabbing for the water guns. By the time the rain is falling, you're both outside, boots on and aiming for each other. It ends when you're both thoroughly soaked through, Clint grinning and teasing you about your 'terrible aim.' You go back inside and share a warm shower before cozying up in blankets for the rest of the day, watching from the window as the storm passes.
Rainy days are your bowling days. Thor loves going. Of all the Midgard things you do, this would probably be his favourite. And he's actually quite good at it too. Prone to more spares and strikes that any other regular, it's hard not to be impressed with how quickly he picked it up. After you taught him the basics and a few tricks, he's been showing you up since. And though he does more often than not beat you, he'll let you win every once in a while. Just to make sure you'll keep playing with him in the future. And of course because he loves to see you happy.
A rainy day is a great time to catch up on work. You both have your own things you need to be finishing, and you do so in your separate corners of the house, working quietly, the pattering of the rain a beautiful backdrop to your silence. Occasionally you'll get up and shuffle over to the other to give them hugs, a kiss, or maybe a mug of something nice to drink. Whatever happens, it's usually a quiet day, the both of you retiring to bed once night falls.
With your penchant for baking, it's the perfect excuse to bake all the treats you want. In a matter of hours, the countertops are loaded with all the things you could think of - meringue cakes, biscuits, cookies, tarts, brownies. Sam loves it. He'll sit on the countertop, tasting the batters, swiping bits of chocolate and cutting up fruit when you need him to. By the time you're done, there's enough baked goods to feed you exclusively for a week, and extras to give to your friends too.
When no one else wants to go outside, you take the opportunity to go to the museums. Bucky's has a fascination with them ever since your first date, and you'll go when you can. A rainy day is really the perfect time. Hardly anyone else is there, it's quiet, and the atmosphere is serene. You could spend the whole day there, walking around, pointing things out to him, and admiring the exhibits, along with him.
You cuddle up together and spend way too long in bed. Something about the sound of rain just makes him feel lethargic and calm, and when he opens his arms for a cuddle, who are you to refuse. It's easy to forget about time when you're wrapped up in his arms, head against his chest and legs intertwined. Sometimes you'll lay there and watch stupid videos on your phone, other times, you'll just bask in each other's company, sharing soft kisses once in a while and dozing off.
If its not raining too hard outside, Pietro will insist on taking a walk. The air is usually fresh and cold against your skin, and with so few people outside, it's nice to take a leisurely stroll around. It could be seen as romantic on Pietro's part, but he really only does it as an excuse to splash your legs with puddle water as you walk. Okay, and also maybe because he loves you and wants to spend more uninterrupted time with you.
A rainy day in with Wanda is a world of colour. You'll make mood boards out of old magazines and stray pieces of coloured paper. The boards can range from where you want to vacation, to your wedding, to how you want to redecorate the bedroom. Anything about the future. She's constantly brimming with new ideas, and talking about your future with such enthusiasm is always a great way for you to grow closer together.
T'Challa likes to take you out on walks. He'll do it when he has the time (and even when he doesn't.) It doesn't really matter where you go. Whether just around the grounds, to his favourite spots, or even outside. It's quite peaceful, with him. The dark ambience of the clouds rolling above you mixed with his calming voice keeps you looking forward to every time it rains, because then you get him all to yourself.
~Peter P~
Between the two of you, you have quite a collection of card and board games. And what better time to whip them out than on a rainy day? You make a day of it, rotating between games. You've played UNO, Battleship, Scrabble, and you even got Aunt May to join in and play Settlers of Catan with you. And though you try to keep it as friendly as possible, the two of you can get pretty competitive sometimes. Monopoly was banned after you played for the fourth time, and Scrabble always ends in a debate.
~Peter Q~
Deep cleaning. You go Cinderella on the entire house, turning it spick and span. Clearing out the drawers, reorganizing clothes, dusting, vacuuming, washing dishes, sheets and clothes - everything. Peter finds it weird, and he sighs every time it starts to rain, because he knows you're about to go on your war path. He does his best to stay out of your way when that happens, and let's be honest, even if you did tell him to help, he wouldn't do a very good job of it, considering the slob he was before you came along.
With Stephen most always busy and you being the same, it was a fun idea to pick up some free online courses for fun. On a rainy day, it's the easiest to really just sit down and concentrate on them, so you do. Occasionally, as you're sitting there, he'll come up behind you and hover over your shoulder, glancing at the screen. He'll usually just stand there or nod before going back to what he was doing, but sometimes, he might pause for a bit longer, or scoff, or shake his head a little before walking off. It's annoying when he does that, so by now you've made a deal that every time he makes any sort of condescending move at your screen, he has to give you a kiss too, for compensation.

{Marvel Preferences}
FanfictionIn the midst of Quarantine, I decided to start this up. You guys know how it goes: Preferences for characters include: - Steve Rogers - Tony Stark - Natasha Romanoff - Clint Barton - Thor Odinson - Bruce Banner - Sam Wilson - Bucky Barnes - Loki Lau...