Chapter I

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All my life, all I ever did was plan. I graduated high school, graduate college, get a job, move out of my parent's house. All I had to do left was get married and have children of my own but of course, that didn't pan out. Vampires had to come out of the deep depths of the earth and claim their mark on the world. I turned to Altair with hateful eyes. I knew he was helping me but at what coast? For his selfish gain?  I didn't want to be part of this game the vampires had but this was real life. It wasn't a game and I was the weapon.  I was the only weapon that could wipe out the vampire race.

Altair was right behind me as we walked through the woods. I had no idea where we're going. All I knew was that Altair's lingering smell of burnt skin was driving me crazy. He had fully healed since being burnt in the sun. I turned around to Altair and saw the stress in his purple brooding eyes.

"Where are we supposed to go Altair? Should we go back to your home, a hotel to gather our thoughts? what?" He looked away from for just a moment but I that moment I saw his dimple appears as he nervously smiled at me. 

"Look Lia, I have never been in this predicament before. I never had to take care of someone. You were supposed to be a pet." I opened my mouth wide in disbelief he said that about me. I peered my eyes at him and crossed my arms. "....and now look at all this. You just had to be that girl. The one whose blood is special." He looked up in the air and shook his head in disbelief.

"Hey! I am not a pet! You just can't own me." I told him pressing my finger into myself. 

"Oh but you call a dog a pet. They are a different species and you are a human I am ....well a vampire. A different species entirely. What should I call you then? My..." I cut him off.

"Your nothing. I'm your nothing." I told him as I whipped my head back around. 

"Don't be mad. One day there will be a law where I can marry you." I rolled my eyes around. I could feel his grin grow as he spoke.

"Look Altair. Just because we did what we did once a while ago doesn't mean anything." I was still lost in my feelings about him. How could I like a vampire? That's like saying I like an alien. Whenever I looked back at the time we slept together I felt disappointed in myself. I didn't know much about him at all and I gave my virginity away to him. One could say it just happened but things just don't fall into your lap. I let this happen with him. 

A heavy silence fell between Altair and I when I said this I couldn't take back what I said and I didn't want to either. I just kept on walking forward deeper into the forest with moonlight as my guide. I had no idea where I was going until Altair walked in front of me at a fast pace, grabbing my hand to walk along with him. He put my body up against a tree and I watched him intently. He knocked his head back and within a second he ran to a helpless white bunny with red eyes. It was an albino rabbit. I watched from afar as he bit into it and hesitantly sucked the blood from it. I saw the red eyes of the bunny slowly close as it died. He placed it's lifeless body down on the ground next to a tree and came back to me in a quick second. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that. It's been a while since I had to hunt for my food." He explained.

"What do you mean?" I asked him as I walked along his side.

"You don't know much about vampires, do you. I always have to explain everything to you."

" Yeah well, why would I learn about something I hated?"

"Hated? So you don't hate us anymore?"

"I don't know yet." And that was my honest answer. I watched Altairs head snap to the right pressing his ear up against the soft breeze that crawled up my back. I shook my body to get the feeling off.

Blood Lust II: Fragments of a FlameWhere stories live. Discover now