Chapter XI

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As I began to think of my wedding I couldn't help but feel like everything happening in my life was a cruel joke. As if any moment someone was going to pop out of some corner and tell me "you got punked." or " April fools," or something. 

When I put on my mother's wedding gown which Altair retrieved for me after I had forgotten to bring it with me I felt like someone took over my body. Nothing felt real. It was as if I was watching my life unfold right before my eyes. Altair had to sneak me into Madame Bovary's house because there was a bounty on my head. When I arrived there were the same newborn vampires that were here and Cornilious as always was a gentleman. 

"May I come in?" Cornelious asked me as I looked on in the mirror before me. Cornelious looked very dapper in his green paisley suit. His hair was slicked back and facial hair was tamed but when wasn't it? 

"Yes, you can," I told him when he was already halfway in. He closed the door behind him and grabbed my hand. 

"Altair as funny as this may sound has never been married." He told me. My eyes wanted to boggle out of my head. 

"How can that be? He has lived a long time and had a life before becoming a vampire and he is just so..." I trailed off and turned red.

"Handsome? We know but Altair has always been very selective about who he let into his life especially his family. I know this isn't an ideal wedding you would have wanted with the price on your life and having to run here and there but we have our newborns on watch in case anyone tries to intrude. Either way no one knows this is where the Argyle coven stays." I knew he was trying to reassure me everything was going to fine but my mind would not be at ease. I just looked on at my reflection. Was I fool to actually be getting married? Was I just fulfilling a dream of mine or did I really love Altair?

My mother's wedding dress which I was now wearing was beautiful. It was an A-line lace dress with floral detailing. It had straps that made my shoulders look delicate and a low back that made me feel a bit too exposed but I tried to not let that bother me. The dress hugged my figure well and I felt more like a whimsical fairy than a princess but I didn't care. My hair was loose and parted in the middle with several strands of hair pulled back and some pieces lose in the front of my face. Despoina had come in earlier and applied light makeup on my face. She was more giddy than me that I was getting married.

"The time is coming in a bit. May I ask who is giving you away?" I thought of my father. He would have been crying if he had to give me away. He might have looked tough on the outside but on the inside he was a gentle giant. I wanted to tear up but I suck in my tears because if not my makeup would be a mess. The only person that came to mind was Maddox. 

"Would it be too much to ask of Maddox to give me away?" Cornelious nodded his head and within a few minutes Maddox was in the same room as me but not without Desponia by his side. 

"You look gorgeous. Oh, how I wish I found someone that would marry me." Despoina said out loud while fluffing my dress. When I looked over at Maddox his eyes didn't want to look at me. He looked at everything but me. 

"Maddox, would you walk me down...."

"I can't believe you?" Maddox told me with hatred in his eyes. I turned to Despoina but she had a clueless expression as I did. 

"You are going to marry the one thing you hate most. You are going to marry the species that killed your parents. You are going to be with the people that made me what I am?" He told me with his red eyes glowing at me.

"Maddox, You have to control your past self. Don't let it control you. We talked about this" Desponia told him.

"He didn't kill my parents, Despoina saved you life and I don't hate vampires anymore." Maddox stepped forward peering into my eyes. Despoina stood right behind me in case he did something he should have. 

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