Chapter X

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As I crept down into the dark basement filled with decorations and memories I found Altair roaming around rummaging through various boxes filled with junk. I walked by my first bike feeling the pink tassels hanging off the handles. It was a barbie bike that came with a barbie doll in the basket. Memories of my parents flooded my mind but I tried to not let my memories of them get the best of me. 

"How do you do it Altair?" 

"Do what exactly?" He asked me as he flipped through a photo album my parents had before they met me. It was with pictures filled with their many firsts. Their first time at the movies together, their first time going on a boat, their first time cooking. I flipped through their photo album so many times I had the order memorized. 

"Not think about the past."

"Who says I don't? Honestly, that is how I sleep at night. I close my eyes and just think about all the good memories I had."

"I know we talked about it..." I guided him towards the stairs of the basement. "...but I need you to put my mind at ease. All I ever do is think about my parents. Do you think you can at least make the pain of it go away?" Altair squinted his eyes at me in disbelief.

"We had this discussion already. I won't do it. I had to learn how to live with all the pain and emotions and I didn't have anyone put my feelings at ease."

"You're being so selfish! Look into my eyes and just tell me it's going to be okay. That's they didn't die. That they went to a faraway place or something." I began to raise my voice. As started to head up the stairs in ager Altair grabbed my hand. I took in a deep breath and turned around. He placed his soft hands gently on my face and looked deeply into my eyes. 

"You are going to be okay. All of this pain you are feeling will pass." When he told me this tears started to flood down my eyes. I could my tears warming up and filling up the rims of my eyes as they rolled down my cheek off my chin onto the stair's wooden step. When I looked up at Altair I saw his eyes glowing purple. I pushed myself off him in one quick motion because it reminded me of the dream I had. I fell back into the stairs hitting my hand, the same hand that was healing from the cut from earlier on a rusty nail. 

"Ughh!" I yelp in pain. Altair helped me up to my feet and out of the basement. When I started to smell something burning I realized it was Altair. For a minute I forgot he wasn't human. I held my wounded hand against my chest and push Altair into a dark corner of the house where the sun wouldn't find him. 

"Have you forgotten you are a vampire?" I told him as I ran to the kitchen skin and turned on the faucet. The cool water from the skin drains the dirt and blood from my hand. 

"Yeah, but you were in trouble." 

"It's just a scratch. I'll be fine. You on the other hand have to stay there till I fid some newspapers and blankets to cover the living room windows. I managed to do this all without his help and with one hand. Once the place was dark enough he carefully stepped out of the dark corner and once He did we heard a knock at the front door. We both looked at each other not knowing what to do. 

"Stay by my side," Altair told me as we walked slowly to the door. We peek through the window and saw it was a police officer. He kept knocking on the door. As I was about to answer it Alrait pushed my hand away. 

"What are you doing?" He whispered.

"I have to Answer it. He might bring back up." I explained to him. 

"Altair hid in the corner watching me with his glowing eyes. I cracked the door open and saw a familiar face from my high school days. I was suddenly relived. I stepped outside making sure I hid my wounded hand behind my body.

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