Chapter VIII

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Never did I think that I would be here standing before one of the oldest vampires, let alone vampires to begin with. Altair and Cornelious just watched the eldest vampire that looked like a raisin take interested in me. He took my hand again but forcefully this time. Altair stood there watching him intently as everyone else from the table left to dance. Cornelious looked concerned. We couldn't tell what this elder vampire wanted. He held my wrist with one hand as he punctured the middle of my palm with his nail. I winced in pain and looked at Altair who wanted to do something but Cornilious held him back with his arm. All of a sudden he brought my hand up to his mouth licking the blood dripping down my hand. I tried to yank my hand away from his but his grip was tight. 

"Sir, you can die!" Cornelious pointed out since Altair was concerned for my well being. 

"My life is already lived." The elder said as he took my hand forcefully to his and sucked the blood from it. Altair tried to yank my hand away from his fangs that were inserted in my palm. No one else seemed to pay attention as the music rang loud in the hall. Finally, Cornelious pushed the elder vampire off my hand ripping my the skin of my palm open. Blood leaked out from his mouth and the elder vampire stood up with open arms as Cornelious, me, and Altair backed away slowly from him. 

"I'm ready." He yelled out getting the attention of the rest of the vampires. They all looked at him as he went over the table in front of him with blood dripping off his face. We all watched as he kneeled to the ground, opening his arms. We all watched in horror as his veins started pulsing faster, and how his skin started to drip away from his body. His screams of agony were too anguishing to hear. I buried my face in Altair's chest. He held me. The elder's stomach started to move and his face looked of worry. I couldn't look away now. I peeked through my fingers like a child to see glimpses of what was happening. It took so long for him to die. He yelled out once more cursing out the world and then he collapsed backward on the floor, seizing and finally done. All that was left of him was his bones that when the servent tried to pick up was really just dust. 

My hand was still dripping blood and I tried the best I could by hiding it behind my body. All the vampires looked at me even the son of the elder.

"You killed my father." He yelled out. 

"He drank Lia's blood willingly!" Cornelious defended me. I used the black cloth that was on the table beside me to hold my wound shut. 

"What proof do you have?!" The son of the elder yelled out. Zaheda came up from behind me holding my hand up so that everyone could see the two fang marks on my hand. Everyone in the crowd began to bicker. 

"She is the vampire killer. The one that wants to end all your lives." Jax yelled out to stirrup the crowd. Altair wanted to kill but had to hold back his rage or else he would look like the bad one. He had to convince the sea of vampires that flooded this place that I was on their side. "We should kill her now. To keep from anything like this happening again!" 

"No, you can't do that."Grace refuted. " She is on our side. We can use her blood as a weapon to kill vampires that are against us. She can be our secret weapon!" Grace yelled out with her soft sing-song voice. As determined as she wanted to sound no one cared for what she had to say. 

"He is right. We have to kill her." A vampire yelled out.

"No, she is the one-way ticket for us to escape this earth." Another vampire yelled. Jax then sped up close to me and was about to kill me when Altair ripped his heart out from underneath him. Everyone stood shocked at what he did. 

"Nooo!!" Zheda yelled out as she ran up to Jax. She took his heart that Altair threw on the ground, placed it back in his chest and bit herself pouring her blood on his open gash, and then made him drink her blood. What was she thinking? I knew she liked him but so much so to revive him again after he just tried to kill me.

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