Chapter IV

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"What do you mean underground?" I asked Altair as he guided me all the way through the empty streets of Florida. I looked at his hand that held on to mine. It felt of butter so soft and creamy. So gentle and smooth. He walked briskly throughout the night and as he did I tried my best to keep up with him because his legs moved faster than mine ever could. 

"It means exactly what it means." He told me as I sped up my pace. We hit a couple of turns before I finally looked back at the last bit of what a domestic life looked like, or even felt like. I breathed in the air not realizing that I haven't been able to appreciate the features of this town had to offer. Altair turned around to me and when he did he looked deeply into my eyes as if he was searching for my soul. His mouth was moving and words came out from it but it sounded all like gibberish to me. I saw Altairs face close to mine and touched it as I nodded my head yes. His face turned blurry. My eyes suddenly felt heavy and I felt my body lose control. The next thing I knew everything turned black.

When I opened my eyes I was being carried. I was on the shoulders of Altair. Glowing eyes looked at me from everywhere. The darkness in this place never seemed to end. I heard Altair slap money into someone's hands and they let us in. How can someone let us into a place with a girl who is just hanging on someone's back? Then it occurred to me, we were underground where the vampires took refuge. I fought Altair to the ground fixing my dress and pushing him off me. He grabbed my body close pulling me in and running his hand through my hair. I didn't know what he was going to do next but I let him hold me there against his torso.

"Play along." He whispered softly into my ear as music blasted in the air. Vampires raved and danced among the neon lights. My nerves were kicking. How would Altair be able to fend me off from all these vampires? Altair's hand was on the back of my neck as I walked by him. We entered another room but this one had a dimmed light with more sophisticated vampires it seemed. Red velvet curtains were everywhere in this place. I watched vampires give away naked humans like pigs on a platter. I tried to look away but I couldn't. Altair turned my face to look away as a bunch of vampires started to feast on this human that was alive and yelling but his screams were muffled by a ball and chain that was in his mouth.  My breathing became erratic. What was Altair doing?

"You brought your own dish?" The man asked Altair who happened to be covered in tattoos and had blue eyes. "It's about time. I haven't seen you in a while." He said to Altair who held me still. This man had wavey blond hair that reached the nape of his neck and a perfectly sculpted nose. He didn't look like the usual type of person to own a business if that was what this was. He wasn't snobby at all. He had three small earings on his ear and a foreshadow growing in. His pricing blue eyes were striking as they looked at me. 

"Where do you find someone like this? I gotta go where you're going... You know what I mean man? All the humans out here are too loose." He said as Altair followed him into a much darker area. 

"She bumped into me," Altair said as he followed the man. We entered a room for guests who brought their food down underground and had no place to eat. We all three sat in a dark booth while other vampires chatting made the place less quiet. "Thank you. If it wasn't for you...." Altair got cut off from the man.

"Don't worry about it. I have this place because of vampires like you. Take as long as you need with her. We will clean everything up after you as usual man." The man told us. Before he turned to leave his piercing blue eyes pierced into mine as if to tell me goodbye. He closed the black curtain and left us alone.

"Where are we?" I asked Altair as he settled into the burgundy booth.

"We are in a restaurant club." He told me. I was tempted to peek through the black curtains but I couldn't. I was too scared at what I might see. 

Blood Lust II: Fragments of a FlameWhere stories live. Discover now