Chapter IX

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When we arrived at my parent's house memories of when I was a child started to overcome me. Tears filled my eyes. My parent's house was big. My mother was a teacher just like her sister. They worked in the same school and my father was in the military as an officer. It was no wonder they could afford this house and put me in private school. I laughed at the memories that filled my mind. I remembered when my parents were fixing the front lawn. My mother was tending the garden and my father was pulling out weeds from the pathway. I got bored playing with my skip-it that I ran up to my dad and climbed him like a tree. My mother came running and we all three played. Memories like that made me want to cry.

"Sometimes I wish we lived forever you know," I said out loud. Altair took my hand. "You know what I mean. I didn't mean...."Altair didn't say a word to me. He just walked with me to the front door. This door was a red door when I was younger and then later on they turned it blue because people who were a vampire household had to paint their doors red as a caution for delivery men.

I didn't have a key to my house but my parents always had a spare one in a plant. I tried digging up a plant that was near the front door but there was no key.

"Why don't you put in the code?" Altair asked me. I looked up and next to the doorbell was a pad with numbers on it. This was something new they must have added to their home as I was never aware of this. I tried to think of the code. I saw commercials on t.v for these things. After the second code if entered wrong the police would show up. I tried to think hard about what it could be. My parent's anniversary, my birthday, the day they met, the day they brought the house. It was way too many options to try. I popped in my birthday but backward, putting in the year first.  My mom being paranoid at the world would always tell me to put her computer passwords backward whenever I helped her create an account. Thinking it was a lot safer that way. The light turned green and when it did I cried for knowing my birthday was the passcode made me know I was their pride and joy. Altair turned to hug me and as he did rain came pouring down, mixing in with my tears. We entered my parent's house and when we did I felt this weight taken off me. I felt lighter than I have felt in months. Altair hesitated to come in as the last time he entered an empty home he got electrocuted.

"It's okay Altair. They aren't going to have any devices you're going to step on..." I trailed off because at the side of the door was a wooden stake. My parents were always prepared. Altair came in, closing the front door behind him. I didn't know how to feel about a vampire being in my parent's home. My parents would have hated the idea but as they always did, they eventually would have came around to the idea that not all vampires are alike. Altair walked around the navy colored living room. Each room had a theme. 

"These are your parents?" Altair lifted a photo of them on their wedding day. "You look just like them. Your exactly half of each." He pointed out. I then realized I left the photo I had of my parents at Madam Boverys house underground.

"You think so? I was always told I look more like my dad." I shrugged my shoulder and went into the kitchen. I was starving. I wanted to get this dress off too but my hunger came first. I made a tuna sandwich with ramen. Altair came over to me when the soup was done and ready for consumption. I sat in the yellow kitchen as Altair did the same.

"How were your parents like?" I asked him since he was so intrigued with mine.

"I don't really remember them. I know my father was always out. He was a blacksmith and my mother had to stay home taking care of me and my sister. I left home when I was sixteen. Back then that was when you were considered a man." Sometimes I forgot Altair grew up in a different life then I did. One I couldn't relate to at all. I munched on my tuna sandwich as he spoke.  The sadness in his eyes seemed to be longing for those times again.

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