Chapter II

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We were stuck in the middle of nowhere. Altair was mentally tired and I was physically drained from walking for hours on end but we had to go someplace else before the sun came up. I mentioned going to Florida because my aunt lived there but I didn't know how she felt about vampires. I knew my parents called them vermin but did she feel the same way. 

"Florida? Are you out of your mind." Florida also known as the sunshine state was the state most vampires refrained from going. There were also heavy laws against vampires in that state as well. Seeming we were still on phase one of the locked after a year we were technically trespassing but as I mentioned they were more guidelines than laws. 

"It should be safe over there. No one will think we are there. My Aunt lives there. She always told me I was welcome to come over. So are we doing this?" I asked him.

"It's better than heading back to my home," he admitted. Once we got to the train station there was no one incite. It was dead. What person in their right mind would be traveling this time of night especially with vampires among us? I went up to the ticket booth where a  Silver embedded plexiglass stood between me and the ticket agent. 

"Um, how much for a ticket to Kissiamme Florida?" I asked the ticket agent. 

"Our train doesn't have a stop there. We have one in Orlando and then you can take a cab to get to your location. How many do you need?" He asked me with a yawn.

"Two please," I told him. 

Altair came up from behind me and tried to get a hold of the ticket agents eyes that were already closing on us. The ticket agent nodded his head and typed some stuff into the computer. 

"I need your IDs and a credit card. " He said as he stretched out his hand turning over his palm. Altair grabbed his hand pretending to put something in it and then took hold of his wrist looking at him straight into his eyes. 

"Give me the tickets." Altair said. As soon as the ticket agent did this he fell asleep knocking his head back. Altair and I walked over to the Amtrack train and got in with our tickets. As we waited for people to come in and take their seats before the train left the station,  Altair looked around. His shirt was torn and looked like that trend everyone started to follow that I thought was ridiculous. I didn't appreciate how people followed someone just because he says it is a new style. I never realized how easily people were influenced until then. Whe we reached our seats I watched Altair ruffle through a duffle bag that wasn't his. He pulled out a regular fitted shirt that didn't seem like his style and folded it across his knee as he zipped the duffle bag and slid it back under the seat in front of him without the man ever suspecting anything. I watched Altair take off his ripped up shirt. His abs contracted with each breath he took. I couldn't help but look at how  his body was sculpted. His long torso was build like a Greek god. I know to you I sound like I was exaggerating but I didn't care. He looked that way to me. I couldn't help but stare at him and sweat when I spotted his happy trail. I turned away. He didn't notice what I noticed. He curled up his ripped up t-shirt into a ball and tuck it at his side. Altair looked both ways of the aisle keeping his senses on high alert. 

"Were on a train. I doubt anyone is going to know were here." I told Altair so he could relax. A food cart came by and I was thankful that it did because although Altair ate I hadn't. I got a sandwich with chips and a drink and munched away as Altair stood like a watchdog on high alert. When I was all done he grabbed my hand luring me away from the seat we were in into another cart.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as we walked brisked and settled into the next cart where it was more crowded. Altair didn't bother to answer me. I watched him observe everyone in the cart. Maybe he thought being in a crowded cart filled with sleeping people would prevent anyone from doing anything. If there are people noticing a vampire trying to attack me that would look bad for the vampire community and I knew Artemis would not risk that. The train ride to Florida was long. Twenty-one hours could not move slower. I tried to sleep by reclining my chair back but I still couldn't find a sleeping position I felt comfortable in. I decided to use Altair's upper arm as a pillow. He turned to me, squinting his eyes at me.

Blood Lust II: Fragments of a FlameWhere stories live. Discover now