Chapter V

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Being in a vampire's world made me see why they resented humans so much. They were forced to make do with what they had. As we walked the streets of the underground city these vampires made for themselves. I realized how badly I felt for them. Neon lights were used to see where everyone was. It looked like a run down new york city in times square just with a bunch of vampires roaming around. Advertisements played on a big screen about where to eat next or to try the new gamer changer in blood. Different color eyes glowed. Everyone walked. There were no cars or vehicles incite. 

"Is this how it looked everywhere?" I said in awe. Debris fell down from above us and Altairs moved me out the way. 

"No, this is just the main street. There are plenty of other areas underground that don't look like this. This one is most cluttered because of where we are." He told me as we walked. Vampires bumped into each other. Some hissed and others didn't say a word. I got looks from every whereas I stuck out like a sore thumb. There were other humans who walked among the vampires beside me though. Most of those humans had a leash around their neck. Others were being carried over the shoulder or in a cart of some sort. We walked for what felt like an eternity until we stopped at an apartment. The apartment looked run down as well but once you walked inside it was fancier than any place I have seen above ground. Altair just walked in without saying a word. The door was unlocked.

There were velvet couches and curtains. I felt as if I had stepped back into a by-gone era; painting were hung up on the wall as Newborn vampires roamed about the place. All these newborn vampires' red eyes stared at me as if I was a piece of meat but didn't dare to anything.

"Madam Bovery," Altair said out loud. A woman of her mid-thirties turned around. Her eyes were brown but the lightest brown I have ever seen. She smiled up at Altair and hugged him.

"Oh, it's been so long since I last saw you. When would you say that was about ten years ago. What brings you to my orphanage?" She asked Altair as she studied me.

"Cornilious always said if we were in trouble you would help."

"It depends on what kind of trouble you are in." Her tight curls were all up on top of her head. She was one of the most beautiful vampires I laid eyes on. She had cat-like eyes and a turned-up nose with a set of full lips. She twirled me around like a princess and handed me back to Altair. Just as Altair was about to tell Bovery our trouble she interrupts him.

"You don't have to tell me your troubles. I already know all about them. Cornelious helped me understand everything." Just then Cornelious came up to us once he finished explaining something to a Newborn vampire. I didn't think I would ever see him again. He greeted Altair with a warm hug as he did with me. 

"I didn't think I would ever see you again," I told Corilious in all honesty. He just chuckled at my remark.

"Did the others get out?" Just as Altair asked this he shook his head no. I began to panic. What happened to Despoina, Idris, Malcolm, Zaheda, and most of all my friend Maddox who was also a Newborn vampire now.

"Idris and Malcolm didn't make it. We couldn't save them." Bovery pitched Cornilious from the elbow as a way to dictate him where to go. We all sat in a private living space away from all the Newborn vampires. 

"What do you mean?" Altair asked.

"What about Maddox?" I asked out of the blue. Altair just glanced over at me and then back at Cornelius. Bovery just sat there listening in. 

"Despoina and Maddox got Zaheda lose and then they all three helped me get out since it was difficult to do with all the silver covering me. As they neared us we escaped the facility leaving, Malcolm and Idris. I got word that they have been doing tests from Lia's blood." As I tried to figure out how they got hold of my blood at the facility Altair took out a vial of my blood I didn't know he still had with him.

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