Chapter 6

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"Akatsuki kun," I say after a while.
"Hmm?" he mumbles absently.
"When we reach the town, drop the sama will you?" I say. "I don't want the people we meet to think I'm a 'posho' as the English say."
"I thought your father said don't fraternise with the humans?" he asks suspiciously.
"What if the humans fraternise with us?" I retort. "I don't wanna seem rude ya know. "
"As you wish Hikari sama," he says bowing his head a little. "Although I'm aware that there is a sub-pack of supers in this town, whom are aware of your existence, and Hayashi no Nozomi sama is also in town so I doubt they will say anything about you coming from a noble bloodline."

"Nozomi chan is there?" I exclaim. Her father Hayashi no Hisato once came to visit mine when I was six. He brought Nozomi with him, saying that she was training to be the Hayashi clam representative at formal events.

"Oh I forgot you two were friends," Akatsuki laughs.

Before I can reply I see the town up ahead. "We're here, we're here," I scream excitedly.

"Chill Hikari," Akatsuki chuckles, "You have to relax."

We ride into the town. After we get off my stallion Akatsuki says "Let the horse run around a bit. It'll come back when I whistle."

I stroke the horse's snout and then let it canter off.

I sigh then turn around to face the magnificent town.

The sound of the music blasts into my ears. I hear girls laughing. I see a bunch of boys break dancing. What surprised me was the smell of blood.

Akatsuki leans forward and whispers in my ear, "I smell blood, Nozomi is definitely here."

Aoba whistles and jumps into the air, bird wings sprout out of his back as he hovers above the crowd, "Attention, attention," he caws, a crow shifter. "Our favourite prince of leopards has graced us with his presence." The lights focus on Akatsuki and he bows as people clap, "And he has also blessed us with our local clan princess's presence, I wanna hear some cheers for Lady Hikari of the Doragon clan!"

The crowd screams as the lights turn to me, but before I can react, a teenage were-cat girl zooms up to me and squeals "HIKARI! Its been years!"

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