Chapter 15

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"I'm going back." I feel the power of the moonlight flowing through me. It feels so right. 

"Hikari sama!" Akatsuki yells as I march through the trees scaring the nocturnal animals nearby in my woke.

"You can't stop me Akatsuki!" I yell as I pick my pace. "Neither can my father."

I can hear him chasing after me, "What happened to hating the violence?!"

"I'll learn to adapt," I snap. "I've never been so free in my entire life!"

"Don't be ridiculous, it's no place for an heir of the Doragon!" Akatsuki tells me.

I turn to him, "You sound like my Father," I snarl. He tries getting closer to me. "Stay away from me!" 

"Your dragon side is taking over!" he cries out.

"My dragon and I are one!" I scream but it comes out like a deep monstrous bellow.

"I shouldn't have let you run like that Hikari sama," he says panting heavily. "You're primal instincts are taking over."

"What's wrong with that?"

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