Chapter 5

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Lucas' room was at its core the same as Ella's, it had a desk a single bed, a small wardrobe and a door that led to a bathroom/shower.

But it was lived in.

Posters covered the walls above the desk, pens, pencils and textbooks were sprawled out across the desk. His wardrobe was open and full of everything but clothes. Old video tapes mostly.

"I wasn't expecting company," he said closing the wardrobe door and moving towards a small TV sitting on the ground. "Here, choose one," he pulled a shoe box out from under his bed, full of even more VHS tapes.

None of them really drew her eye, so she eventually settled on an animated one with a picture of a dog on the cover.

Lucas threw the tape in and hit rewind, pulling his blankets from the bed and creating a makeshift fort on the floor to sit in.

The film turned out to be cute, yet predictable.

"No way is he leaving them, he's turning back any second now," Ella whispered.

Lucas laughed, "seen it before?"


"That predictable?"

"Yeah, he's going to say something like, 'I'm too old for this'."

"I'm supposed to be retired," the animated dog declared.

"Close," Lucas laughed.

She tutted, "lack of practice."

"Not an avid movie watcher?"

"Never really had the time."

"Well, that's something that's certainly going to change now. Like it or not you got plenty of free time now, you should take up a hobby, otherwise you'll go insane."

"You talking from experience?"

"Experience and observation."

She nodded, "I'll figure something out, don't worry."

The film ended and they discussed it a little, mostly laughing at the cliches. Before leaving, Lucas asked her if she knew her way back to her room.

"Yeah, I made a map," she pulled out her notebook.

"Huh, impressive."

"Thanks, anyway, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes, breakfast in the cafeteria, around eight?"

She nodded, "okay, see you then."

The next day, Lucas ate cereal while Ella dug into a fruit salad.

"Okay, Benjamin said I need to take you to reception to pick up your identifier and your vouchers."


"To swap in for clothes and textbooks and stuff, don't worry, I'll take you to all the places you need to go."

Caroline was at reception, she smiled at the two kids, "how you settling in Sweetheart?"

Ella shrugged, "um, fine, I guess."

"Well, it's only your second day." She pulled out a cuff of engraved metal from a drawer as well as a neat pile of paper, handing it to Ella. "This is for you."

Ella looked down at the identifier, finger tracing over her name.

"I take it Lucas here is doing his job?"

Ella kept her eyes on the identifier but nodded, "he's been great. Made me feel far less nervous."

"That's great, well, you have a long day, I trust you'll show her where to find Benjamin and her teachers?"

Lucas nodded, "that's the plan."

"Have you explained Benjamin's role to her?"

"Shouldn't he do that?"

"Well, it'd be nice if you did, seeing as you're explaining everything else."

Lucas nodded and shrugged, "sure."

"Now run along, classes start tomorrow."

Lucas led her through the halls towards the library, "so, you're under Benjamin."


"It means dependant on; he's you're reference point. Your caretaker or guardian or whatever. You need something, you go to him, okay?"

Ella nodded.

"Minors get assigned an adult; we both get Benjamin... lucky us."

Ella wondered why the sourness, but Lucas stopped in front of the library, "vouchers for books?"

She looked down at the stack of papers and located the three different textbooks, handing them over to Lucas.

After the library they went to the tailors to get clothes. The administration department for stationery and paper. The hygiene department for cleaning and personal hygiene products.

"Ugh, we best drop this off in your room before going for lunch. After we can go see Benjamin and meet your teachers. What teachers you got?"

"Irys and Abel."

"Oh, Irys is lovely," Lucas commented, "very sweet and understanding, I had her a couple of years ago."

"And Abel?"

"General Abel..." Lucas corrected, "strict. But I've had worse teachers. Either way, first year you'll mainly be figuring out what your magical ability is."

"Oh. Is that important?"

Lucas smiled, "very."

"And um... what's..." she hesitated.

"What's mine?"

She nodded.

"Feel free to ask me anything, you don't have to be nervous."

"Sorry, I wasn't sure if perhaps magic was something deeply personal, not like I've ever met a magic user outside of here."

Lucas smiled, "that's why you can ask me anything, I'm your guide, I'm here for you."

Ella smiled, "thanks."

"I have super-vision."


"Yeah, I can see like super far, through walls and in the dark."

"Oh. That sounds useful."

"It is. I even get to go on missions."


Lucas nodded, "nothing dangerous. Benjamin won't let me until I'm older, I usually just locate the enemies and help map out the terrain."


Lucas laughed, "oh, you really are new here. I forget. Yeah, there's... have you heard of the Sortilege?"

"Hm, no."

"Well, they're an organized group of people who claim to be magic."

"Claim to be?"

"Yeah, they don't have any natural magic, but they claim that's because it was stolen from them. That we shouldn't be magic, they should."

"I mean, they're welcome to it," Ella joked.

"Yeah, exactly. None of us asked for it," he laughed.

"So, a bunch of fools sprouting nonsense. Nothing new, why call them enemies?"

"Well, some of the more extreme are... they form bases, attack our homes. And well, if a wall falls, monsters locate us, monster attacks can lead to... casualties... they can be dangerous. So, we take down their bases before they take down ours. We aim for arrests."


"Don't think about it." Lucas recommended, as they reached Ella's room. "It'll ruin your appetite and I don't know about you, but I'm starving!"

Ella laughed, dropped off her stuff and followed Lucas towards the dining hall.

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