Chapter 14

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Couple more months passed.

Ella still showed no signs of powers.

But she was talented with a knife and left the base twice a week to collect plants and mushrooms for the infirmary. Between Lucas' super sight and her smaller physique, they made a good team.

Lucas' basket held seven times as many ingredients as Ella's.

She snorted, "if I had super sight like you, I'd collect at least ten times as much," she informed in a competitive manner.

"Sure thing," he ruffled her hair.

She squirmed and pushed him away.

Ella's mother had stopped visiting weekly, she'd only come once this month. Lucas expected Ella to be upset by this. She wasn't.

Benjamin had been extra busy as of recently. He was always on missions, when he found a couple of days between missions he was sure to check up on the kids. But he was exhausted, his smiles was dishonest and his voice laced with concern. Ella expected this to upset Lucas. It didn't.

Spring break was coming soon, which basically meant missions for all.

"How is that a break?" Ella asked, her eyes on the paused tv screen.

"It's not," Lucas shrugged. He looked at Ella who didn't move her eyes from the screen, "if we get put together."

"Is that likely?"



"You need to stay close to me."

Ella looked at the remote.

"You need to be at the very least where I can see you. Because if I can see you, I know you're safe."

Ella nodded, "sure," she grabbed the remote.

"And if you're not with me, you need to be super careful."

"Why are you so worried? You've been through this plenty of times before, right?"

Lucas frowned and nodded, "yeah but... I had Benjamin to watch over me and... and not everybody was as lucky as me."

Ella hesitated, playing with the remote.

"There's a reason there's so few kids around the facility."

Ella looked up, then back down at the remote before pressing play. "I'll be careful," was how she ended the conversation.

"You want to be on a mission with Ella?" Benjamin asked from his spot at the desk, he had to leave for another mission in an hour and looked exhausted. But still found time for his son.

Lucas nodded, "she's got no magical ability and is extremely young."

Benjamin looked thoughtful, "I see where you're coming from..."


"No but, just thinking."

"I had you on my first missions, she deserves someone to look out for her." Benjamin continued to look thoughtful. "Please Dad."

Benjamin looked up, "okay son." He sat back, "one condition."

Lucas relaxed, "anything."

"You both come with me. If you're distracted trying to keep Ella safe, who's got your back?"

Lucas hesitated, "you can get all three of us on one mission."

Benjamin nodded, "I can. deal?"

Lucas nodded, "definitely."

Ella stood in line with the other soldiers. It was her first mission. And it felt like a weird dream or hallucination. Every other soldier was firm in their posture and position. But Ella kept glancing to her right where Lucas towered over her. The other soldiers in turn loomed over him. The two kids looked completely out of place.

Ella wasn't the only one confused by this. Benjamin kept glancing over to the two during his speech, a look of confusion, guilt or perhaps fear? It was hard to read his expression while he was trying to lead.

"So, remember, we divide into three groups. Those who will fight, those who will pick up the pieces, and those of us," he looked at Ella and Lucas, "who will prepare the battleground."

All the soldiers saluted, including Lucas, Ella took a moment to catch up before imitating the others.

Once the other two groups had divided up, Benjamin gestured for the kids to stay with him, handing them each a large backpack.

Ella could barely lift hers, it was almost as big as her. Benjamin promptly removed some items putting them in his own. "Did you both understand all of that?" he said both, but the question was directed at Ella.

Lucas nodded, while Ella shook her head.

Benjamin smiled, "all that's important for you to remember is you stay close to us, okay?"

She nodded, "okay."

Lucas squeezed Ella's shoulder before looking up at his father, "how big is the base?"

"Small, but too close for comfort. There's also the concern they could be building tunnels."

"That's my job," Lucas smiled.

"Exactly, you figure out the layout while me and Ella keep you safe, as soon as that's done, I'll leave you two and go get the information to the second group. Then you keep an eye out and we head home."

Lucas nodded.

"I've already scouted the area and have a pretty good grasp of the guard schedule. The three of us together shouldn't be a big enough magic accumulation to draw unwanted attention. This should be a sweet and short mission."


"It'll be fine," Benjamin reassured opening the door, "now come on, we still have two days of travel ahead."

Good thing it was close.

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