Chapter 15

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Lucas was lying with his stomach to the ground, he barely moved as he watched the base, taking notes. He had a full map of the enemy base with guard positions and schedules.

Ella meanwhile had been given the very important job of watching over the three rucksacks from within the trees. She sat with her arms crossed, occasionally glancing over at Lucas, realizing why his power set was so important now.

"Stop pouting," Lucas whispered from the ground, just loud enough for her to hear.

Ella frowned.

Lucas turned just slightly so he could see her. "There's a dandelion seed about to get stuck in your eyelashes," the girl blinked fast. "My powers will be replaced with computers in a couple of years. I'm just a tool to save money until the technology becomes more affordable. We're all replaceable." It was a cynical view. "And there's a fox about to steal our lunch." He turned back to do his job.

Ella turned and glared at the little animal. Realizing it had been spot, it fled.

Meanwhile, Benjamin was on the other side of the base, double checking with group two, already finished with group one. He couldn't see his son or Ella from his current position. Nerve racking, but also a good sign. The guard schedule was the same as when he scouted it, another good sign.

By the time he made it back to the kids, Ella had somehow fallen asleep leaning against the tree and Lucas had decided not to wake her.

"How we doing?"

Lucas pushed the notebook over, "as expected, Sir. Well... there's a new uniform I don't recognize, on the top floor."


"Purple, with blue badges," Lucas blinked so he could turn and see his father clearly.

He didn't expect the wide eyes. "Grab Ella, forget the rucksacks and run."


"I have to warn the others, I'll explain later." And suddenly Benjamin was on his feet, stealth be damned.

Lucas ran to the trees, picked Ella up, causing her to wake quite suddenly, and began to run.

"What's going on?" Ella asked, her arms wrapping around his neck.

Lucas didn't answer, he didn't have any breath to spare as he ran fast, dodging trees.


"Benjamin!" Ella shouted.

Lucas came to a halt, taking a couple of desperate gasps for air before putting Ella down on the ground. "Go back to the base, tell them we need backup." He ordered.

"What about you?"

"I'll catch up, run." And Lucas pulled his knifes out, running back towards their enemies.

Benjamin was on the ground, an arrow had pierced his right shoulder and some kind of netting was wrapped around his feet, pinning him to the ground. There were about five men and Lucas had very little fighting skills.

But he knew if he could release Benjamin they had a chance.

With help from his powers he dodged and took out two of his enemies, his knife went down on the netting and—nothing.

"Good try." One of the men grabbed Lucas from behind moving him away from his father with far greater strength than any man.

Lucas groaned as his hands were forcefully handcuffed. But he held his head high.

"Lucas..." Benjamin usually held himself up no matter how bad things were. Right now, his head was lowered and his teeth clenched, his eyes on his son.

Then another man came from the forest, he threw Ella down next to the two, "got the last one."

Lucas' heart sunk, he moved to her side. She too was handcuffed although it looked like with a little time, she could squirm her way out of them. One size fitted all.

Ella looked up apologetically, "I ran as fast as I could."

"This one," one of the men, with the purple suits and blue badges kicked Benjamin who grunted, "he was leading them."

Another man nodded, "lock the three of them up. Kill the rest."

They were all three dragged into the base and thrown unceremoniously into a metal cell.

Benjamin who's hands were free pulled the two kids close to him as soon as the men were gone, "are you two okay?"

Ella nodded while Lucas shook his head.

Benjamin took a deep breath, checking them both over.

"What do they want with us?" Ella whispered.

Benjamin bit his lip, "they'll question us first. When they don't get anything of value out of us, they'll drain us of our powers."

Lucas looked surprised, "drain us of our powers?"

Benjamin nodded, "it's this new thing they discovered..." he looked miserable, "it's what I've been looking into. I didn't know it had already gotten this far."

"That doesn't sound too bad," Ella whispered. "I don't... what are powers good for anyway?"

Benjamin pulled Ella onto his lap, holding her close.

Lucas stared at the cell door, "those purple guards, they had powers, is that how they got them?"

Benjamin nodded.

"Without our powers...?"

"It'll kill us," Benjamin confirmed. His hands rubbed Ella's back in comfort.

Ella didn't react.

"I won't let them touch you," Benjamin reassured. "I won't let them hurt either of you."

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