Chapter 3

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The base came into view. It looked both enormous, and at the same time, smaller than Ella had expected.

This was where every magic user in the area resided and spent the entirety of their time. Despite this, there seemed to be more space for parking than actual buildings.

Benjamin showed his badge at the main door and the two entered. Inside, many people walked back and forth with boxes and clipboards in and out of a variety of doors.

Benjamin ignored all this and walked straight over to a reception area. There were at least twenty people working there, but only one got up to greet him.

"Newcomer," Benjamin informed, placing a hand on Ella's shoulder.

The woman, skinny with hair in a neat bun and soft features, tilted her head, "you sure are young. What happened?"

"An anonymous tip off," Benjamin shrugged, "test came out positive."

The woman nodded, "my names Caroline," she held out a hand.

Ella shook it, "Ella."

Caroline frowned before biting her lip and smiling, "nice to meet you Ella. That's a very cute name."


"Well, let's start," Caroline lead her through the reception, through a door and down some stairs.

Soon the lack of buildings made sense. Everything was underground. Everything. Dining halls, libraries, tennis courts, swimming pools, gyms, training rooms, classrooms, actual rooms, one of which Ella got a key to and left her bag in.

All of this, inside, underground, with no natural light.

"Why um... why are we underground?" Ella asked, still holding Caroline's hand, with Benjamin on her other side.

"That," Caroline frowned, "is to keep the smell of magic hidden."

"Do... do monsters smell magic?"

"Well, it's not entirely clear. Research is being done. But there are hundreds of us here, and we don't get attacked on the daily, so, something must be working."

Ella nodded, "fair enough."

"Besides," Benjamin opened the door to the cafeteria, "windows are entrances. If monsters do attack, the less entrances, the better."

"But we rarely get attacked," Caroline reassured, squeezing Ella's hand, not that she was scared.

Benjamin and Caroline helped her pick out a well balanced meal and they all sat down to eat.

"So, now is the time for questions," Benjamin smiled.

Ella frowned and shrugged.

"Ah, looks who's here."

Benjamin turned and waved a teenager over. A boy around fifteen to sixteen years old, with blond hair and bright blue eyes.

"Lucas this is Ella."

He nodded politely.

"She's new so you'll be guiding her."

"Oh," his interest perked up a bit, "it's nice to meet you."

Ella smiled.

"She's just arrived today, how about you bring your food over here and after lunch you can take her back to her room."

Lucas bit his lip, "I um... I kind of had plans and—"

"Lucas," Benjamin's crossed his arms, "you agreed to do this, you can't expect her to—"

"I remember my way back," Ella interrupted trying to be helpful.

"No, no, Benjamin's right. I'll take you back to your room later, but can I at least eat lunch as planned?"

Benjamin looked about to argue, but Caroline nodded, "of course, you come here once you finish."

Lucas nodded and ran off, before Benjamin could tell him otherwise.

"He needs to learn responsibility," Benjamin complained.

"You didn't give him any notice, let him enjoy himself."

"You don't get notice with these jobs, you know that."

"I really do remember my way back," Ella repeated.

Nobody paid her any notice.

Later Lucas led her through the halls, "so... first day in the facility, how you bearing?"

"Um, fine."

"How'd you get caught?"


"What got them to test you? Pencils floating around you? Turning invisible? Random combustion?"

Ella laughed, "no." Ella looked around, "you can leave, if you want. I won't tell."

Lucas shook his head, "you might think you know the way, but this place is a maze until you get used to it."

"I guess. So, how are you bearing?"


"You asked me how I'm bearing here, what about you?"

He frowned, "I'm fine..."

"I'm guessing you don't like it here."

"It's fine here. It's safe and whatnot."


"But you lose your life. You may not have noticed yet but... once you are here, everything slowly stops. Aunts and uncles? Forget 'em. Old friends? Nah. You become... a loner."

"What about making new friends inside the facility?"

"Yeah, of course. But it's mostly adults, boring ones as well." He stopped, "anyway, this is the East Wing, lower floor, which one is your door?"

"Mm... I'm ninety seven per cent sure," she skipped over, "this one."

Lucas nodded, knocked, when nobody responded, Ella stuck the key in and it turned.

"Bingo, good memory."


"Anyway, I'll pick you up for dinner at," he looked down at his watch, "shit, it's late, um... half nine. We'll get you back on schedule tomorrow."

"There's a schedule?"

"Um, not for you, not yet but... get a schedule, trust me. Time doesn't really work here and if you don't... it becomes... it's hard to get out of that."

She nodded, "thank you again!" she shouted as Lucas ran down the hall.

"Get settled!" he instructed back.

She smiled, before turning to take in her new room, her new home. A single bed, an old backpack, a plain desk, and no windows.

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