Part 1

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A/N: I'm proud of this Cover

Jaden's POV:

Watching Y/N walk away from me was the hardest thing for me, even tho I wasn't completely Sober I knew how badly I fucked up. I didn't want to go home but I did since there's no way I want to be around the guys when they got me into this in the first place. When I walked through the door I looked around the room and sighed. I looked at the ring in my hands and fell to my knees.

"FUCK!" I screamed and cried. She fucking hates me now and I don't know what to do. I made my way over to the couch and what she said kept repeating in my head.

"Fuck you Jaden, Life isn't just about partying anymore, You need to wake the fuck up," echoed through my head. She was right I need to wake up. I eventually fell asleep on the couch after crying for a solid thirty minutes.

(The Next Morning)

I woke up to the sound of the front door opening. I sat up quickly.

"Y/N?" I questioned.

"Nope," Alexis said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and laid back down.

"To get some stuff for Y/N and the Baby," she said and I sighed.

"So she's with you?" I questioned and she nodded.

"Yep because Your dumbass fucked up last night and I was right about you all along, you don't give two shits about that girl or her child all you want to do is smoke and drink all night until the sun fucking rises. You had that poor girl wandering the streets of Los Angeles alone at three am with an infant, If that doesn't scream father of the year I don't know what does," Alexis said.

"I get it, She hates me," I said with a sigh.

"No she doesn't, Y/N loves you and you said you did but was that true?" She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Can you just hurry up and get out of my house, I don't have the time to listen to you tell me shit that I already know," I said and she walked off. She got whatever Y/N needed and came back over to me.

"Here's my advice, get some help because you are sick in the head if you think she's coming back to you anytime soon," Alexis said before leaving. I threw a pillow across the room and hit a picture off the wall, a picture of Y/N and I....

Once A Party Boy, Always A Party Boy? Jaden Hossler × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now