Part 26

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(The Next Morning)

I was packing a suitcase for Lara since we were going back to my parents house today. After I kicked Jaden out I called my mom and told her everything over the phone and her and my dad agreed that That I could go there since I really didn't want to be in LA anymore. I thought he'd never change and turns out I was right. Jaden will still be the same Party Boy I met that night a Ryan's party. Once I finished Packing Lara's suitcase I checked to make sure she was still sleeping and she was. This was going to be her first flight and I have no idea how she's going to act.

"Y/N!" Jaden shouted from downstairs.

"Shit he's back already," I said to myself and zipped up the suitcase. Mine was already packed in What was mine and Jaden's room.

"Y/N?!" He shouted again and started coming upstairs. He walked into the nursery and made eye contact with me. He looked at the suitcase then looked back at me.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Away from you," I said and put the diaper bag together.

"Y/N I didn't cheat on you," He said came closer to me. I rolled my eyes and went back to packing up the diaper bag.

"So what did you do with exactly?" I questioned and turned to face him.

"I need help with wedding stuff," He said.

"From your ex," I pointed out.

"You didn't want to be involved with planning and I needed girls perspective," He said and I'm guessing he noticed I wasn't wearing my ring.

"You could've asked me I'm was going to be your future wife," I said and he looked at the ground.

"Was?" He sighed.

"Jaden you cheated on me with your ex, technically I didn't cheat on you Tayler because we weren't together, I don't remember us officially getting back together before you left to Florida," I said and he rolled his eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I didn't cheat on you, I'm not like you I wouldn't throw away our relationship," He shouted and my heart sank. It was silent for a couple seconds before he spoke up.

"I didn't mean that," he quickly said.

"Bullshit you wouldn't have said it if you didn't mean it Jaden, why would I want to marry you," I cried and brought the suitcase and diaper bag downstairs where all me stuff was in the living room.

"Y/N I'm sorry!" Jaden shouted from upstairs.

"Keep you stupid sorry, I don't need you Jaden. I can raise Lara and this baby on my own, I've been doing pretty damn well so far," I argued.

"We're still going to see each other Y/N if you're just going to live with Alexis again," He said and I shook my head, walking back upstairs to get Lara ready to leave since our flight leaves in 3 hours.

"I'm not going back to Alexis, I already told her and Ryan where I'm going and it's far away from you and your girlfriend," I said as Jaden followed me back into the nursery.

"I'm not sleeping with Mads how many times do I have to say it," Jaden basically shouted and I ignored him. I finished getting Lara ready and ordered my Uber to the airport. I put Lara in the baby carrier that I had strapped on.

"So you're really leaving me?" He asked as I went to the door.

"Yes and no matter what you say or do I'm not staying, I might have actually cheated on you once but this is the second time for you Jaden. Drunk or not you still cheated on me," I said and brought my bags outside.

"But I love you and you know that because Lara and that baby would exists if I didn't," He said and I shook the thoughts out of my head.

"You didn't even want either one of them at first so leave my babies out of this," I said and he sighed from the door. My Uber pulled up and the Uber driver help me put my bags in the trunk of his car. Jaden stood at the door and watched the entire time with tears in his eyes.

"When will you come back?" He asked.

"I don't know, just don't start drinking again please, for me," I said and he nodded. Jaden came up to me and I looked up into those beautiful eyes of his for the last time for a while.

"Stay," He said with a crack in his voice.

"I can't," I said and shook my head.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Because you hurt me and Lara and you hurt our family," I said as tears fell down my cheeks.

"I didn't," He said.

"I don't believe you," I said and looked into his eyes one more time. They were filled with hurt, maybe he was telling the truth but something kept telling me he was lying. I scanned his face one more time and there it was, the thing that was telling me he was lying. A hickey bellow his jaw and you could tell it was recent and we haven't done anything in about a month.

"Goodbye Jaden," I said and turned to get into the Uber.

"Oh and by the way look in the mirror and tell Mads she did a good job," I said with the biggest attitude but inside I was dying. The man I loved really just threw us away for no reason. I don't think I can forgive him for this one so easily.

Once A Party Boy, Always A Party Boy? Jaden Hossler × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now