Part 11

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(A couple weeks later)

I had just finished putting Lara down for her nap and I walked over to Jaden and I room. I sat on the bed and looked around. I sighed and laid back when my phone rang. It was Jaden and I quickly picked it up.

"Hey babe," I said with a smile.

"Hi baby," He said and he sounded really happy.

"So what's up? I thought you'd be in something right now?" I questioned.

"Just finished up and I want to call you," He said and I could hear people moving around in the back. I've never heard that before on our calls, he was always in his room.

"Baby where are you? It's really loud," I questioned.

"I have to go, I'll call you tonight," Jaden says quickly before hanging up. What was that about? I stopped questioning that phone call with Jaden and grabbed the baby monitor before heading downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a couple snacks from the pantry and went to the living room to rewatch some shows on Hulu and Netflix. After a couple of hours Lara had woken up and I had her downstairs with me. She was laying on her play mat playing with some teethers that we haven't used yet. She just thought they looked pretty I'm guessing. I was still watching whatever was on and paused for a second to see what Lara was doing. She had rolled over on her stomach and she looked up at me. She smiled and I went over to pick her up. I took Lara over to the kitchen and grabbed made her a bottle. I heard the doorbell ring and looked at the time on the stove.

"It's nine o'clock," I said questionably and went over to the living room to put Lara on the couch. The doorbell rang again and again. I walked over and cracked the door to see who it was. My heart raced and my eyes widened. He smiled back at me then I swung open the door. He stood there with his arms opened wide and I jumped into his arms. I cried and hugged him so tightly. He had to step back to catch his balance as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I missed you so fucking much," I sobbed and he kissed my cheek then my neck.

"I missed you too baby," Jaden said with a slight sob.

"You came home early, like you said you would," I said and he nodded on my shoulder. Jaden put me back down on my feet and I smashed my lips onto his. He held my waist as kissed back. I couldn't believe he was standing here with me, right now. He pulled away and leaned his forehead on mine.

"You're here, you're actually here," I cried and he nodded.

"I am and I'm never leaving again," Jaden said and wiped my tears away with his thumbs. I heard something get thrown in the house and giggled.

"Lara must be done with her bottle," I said and he smiled.

"I can't wait to see my baby girl," Jaden said and I took his hand. We grabbed his suit cases and brought them in the house before going into the living room. Lara was laying on the couch, looking at the TV when we walked in. Jaden had tears in his eyes, looking at Lara.

"She got so big," Jaden said and sat on the couch. He picked Lara up and she looked at Jaden for a second before smiling, probably the biggest and brightest smile I've seen from her. Jaden held Lara against his shoulder and basically hugged her.

"Hi baby girl, it's been awhile," He said and I sat next to him.

"I'm so happy to be home," Jaden said and I kissed his cheek.

"I'm happy to have you home," I said and he leaned over to kiss me. I kissed back and when we pulled away Lara looked up at us. I giggled, looking down at her.

"It's been a really long day, and I'm extremely tired, so I think I'm gonna head upstairs," He said and I nodded.

"Ok I'll be there in a second, just gonna try to get Lara to sleep for the night," I said as he got up from the couch. Jaden walked upstairs and I got up to turn off the TV before going up to the nursery. I took care of Lara and she fell asleep after feeding her, thank God. I took the baby monitor and went over to our room. Jaden was laying on the bed and for the first time in two and a half months I felt like I could actually sleep in here again. Jaden was facing the window, I closed the door slowly and he looked at me. Now I just had noticed his hair. Before he left it was dark brown almost back and now there was blonde in his hair. He smirked and I could tell he noticed I just noticed. I sat on the bed next to him as he looked up at me.

"You like it?" He asked and I ran my fingers through his hair. It got a little longer and I seriously loved the blonde.

"I love this," I said and he sat up.

"Really?" He questioned, leaning towards me. I giggled and mod as he kissed me. This kiss was the only kiss of the night that felt different. I moved back and Jaden climbed over me. Never broke the heated kiss as I pulled his hair and deepened the kiss I earned a low moan from Jaden. He smirked and slowly lifted my shirt up to below my boobs. I broke the kiss and he looked at me questionably.

"Not yet, I still need to get the ok from my doctor and Alexis said she would take Lara in two days," I said and Jaden groaned frustratedly as he fell next to me.

"So you're making me wait two days for sex? Y/N I have gone months with fucking you, I need something," Jaden said and I giggled.

"Two more days won't kill you," I said and he chuckled.

"I Love you," He said and I cuddled up with him.

"I love you more," I said and he shook his head.

"Not possible," He said and I laid my head on his chest. Jaden kissed my head as I could finally fall asleep in our bed.

I might have cried while writing this part

Once A Party Boy, Always A Party Boy? Jaden Hossler × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now