Part 34

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(3 months Later)

"Lara!" I shouted as Jaden and I were running around the house, trying to find Lara. She had just figured out how to crawl and go upstairs on her own so we were freaking out.

"I found her," Jaden shouted from upstairs.

"Thank God," I said and Jaden came back downstairs with Lara in his arms.

"Who knew a ten month old could crawl so fast," Jaden said with a chuckle and Lara slapped Jaden's cheek.

"Ow, baby no," Jaden said and took Lara's hands and held them together in his hand. She pouted and made puppy eyes at me.

"No," I said in babyish voice and she crossed her arms. I giggled and Jaden kissed Lara's head.

"She's so cute," Jaden said and I nodded.

"Yeah when she doesn't get her way," I said and Lara looked at me. She put her hands out for me take her. I took Lara from Jaden and went upstairs into the nursery to put Lara down for a nap. After putting Lara down I went back downstairs and sat with Jaden on the couch.

"Let's hope this one doesn't act like that," Jaden said and I smiled at him.

"He won't, hopefully," I said and Jaden rubbed my stomach.

"You hear that little dude, don't follow in your sisters foot steps," Jaden said and I giggled.

"He can't hear you," I said and Jaden kissed me.

"Things are going to be so difficult having a new born and a toddler," Jaden said and I nodded.

"Thank God she's sleeping," I said and put my head on his shoulder.

"You wanna go take a nap?" Jaden asked and I nodded.

"Go ahead I'll probably invite Josh over," He said and I got up from the couch.

"Ok but be quite," I said and went upstairs to our room. I laid down and looked up at the ceiling for a little bit. I eventually fell asleep but got woken up about an hour later to Lara crying.

"Jaden get Lara!" I shouted.

"Ok!" Jaden should back and I rolled over to face the door. The door opened and Jaden came in with Lara.

"Hey are you feeling ok?" Jaden asked and I shrugged.

"What's wrong?" He asked and sat with me.

"Everything kinda hurts and I feel like I'm going to throw up," I said and he put the back of his hand against my forehead and felt down to me chest.

"Is the baby ok?" Jaden asked and I nodded.

"He's been kicking," I said and he smiled.

"You haven't really eaten anything today so I'll order some IHOP for lunch," Jaden said and kissed my head. He put Lara down on the bed. Lara looked at me and I pulled her closer to cuddle with me. Jaden smiled and sat down and ordered the food. Jaden looked at me with a smile before cuddling up with us. I smiled and kissed him quickly. Once the Food got here we went downstairs and sat in the living room. We gave Lara a couple bites of our food and she was so happy. I can't believe how smart she's gotten.


Once A Party Boy, Always A Party Boy? Jaden Hossler × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now