Part 25

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Once Jaden left that night I called Bryce.

"Hey Y/N," Bryce said.

"Hey is Jaden on his way to the Sway House or did he talk to Josh earlier?" I asked.

"No and No," Bryce said and the knot in my stomach got tighter.

"Why?" Bryce questioned.

"Nothing, forget it," I said and hung up the phone. Where the hell was Jaden going tonight? I put my phone down and looked at the time. It was 8:30 and Lara was asleep so I had nothing to do.

2:00 AM

I stayed up waiting for Jaden and he hasn't shown up yet. I tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail. I sighed and went onto the front porch and sat on the step. As soon as I stepped outside Jaden's car pulled up. He saw me and parked.

"What are you doing out here?" Jaden asked.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"The Sway House," He said.

"Bullshit," I said and he came up to me.

"Bryce told me you weren't coming over today," I said Jaden rolled his eyes.

"I told you wedding stuff," Jaden said and went into the house. I followed him as went into the kitchen.

"You're lying to me about something Jay because Kio and Quinton aren't even in LA," I said and he slammed his cup of water on the counter.

"Can I have a social life please," Jaden said with an attitude.

"I just want to know where you're going Jaden..." I sighed.

"I was at The Hype House, since they keep me out of trouble so stop thinking I'm cheating on you," He said and I looked at him.

"I never said that," I said, questionably.

"Well I- um I kinda thought that's what you were thinking," Jaden said and that's when I realized it.

"You're cheating on me?" I questioned.

"No, I would never do that," He said and his voice was a little higher.

"You're lying," I said and my heart sank.

"Seriously Jaden?! After everything you're just gonna cheat on me, we're supposed to be getting fucking married and you're just gonna cheat on me," I yelled as the tears formed.

"I'm not cheating on you," he argued and his phone started ringing. He looked at the screen for a second and sent it to voicemail.

"Who was that?!" I yelled.

"Josh," He said calmly and I rolled my eyes. His phone started ringing again and I took it before he could end send it to voicemail.

"Mads? Seriously Jaden you're cheating on me with your ex?" I shouted.

"I'm not," He argued and she called again, I picked up this time.

"Jaden you forgot your wallet," She said and I looked at Jaden with a glare.

"He's coming to get it now," I said and she went silent. Jaden looked at me the entire time with a sorry look on his face. I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone.

"Your girlfriend says you left your wallet at her place," I said and through his phone at him. It fell and hit the ground, hopefully breaking.

"Y/N-" I cut him off by slapping him.

"Don't say another fucking word to me, just fucking go and don't expect me to be here in the morning," I said as a tear fell down my cheek.

"I'm sorry," He said and picked up his phone.

"Go fuck Madison," I said and he shook his head and Left. I heard the front door close and I looked at my engagement ring. Tears continued to fall as I took it off and put it on the counter.


Why do I feel like what I'm about to write next deserves it's own other book? Should I make another sequel? And what should it be called? Or should I just keep writing on this one? Idk people help me

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