Part 14

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I was sitting in the living room with Lara, waiting for Alexis to show up, while Jaden was upstairs waiting for me to tell him She had left. It was now 8:30 and Alexis started calling me.

"Hey Y/N I'm really sorry but I can't take Lara, Ryan got into a fight with his parents again and he needs me," She said when I picked up.

"It's ok, I'll figure something out," I said and Jaden came downstairs.

"Sorry again," she said before she hung up.

"Is Alexis not coming to get her?" Jaden asked and sat next to me. I looked over at Lara, who had fallen asleep on the couch.

"Yeah Ryan got into a fight with his parents again but it's fine, She's sleeping now," I said and rubbed his bicep. Jaden smirked and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed back and tangled my fingers through his hair. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and I climbed onto his lap. He smirked into the very heated kiss and gripped my waist. I broke the kiss and leaned my forehead on his. We were out of breath and he smiled.

"Wow," he said, catching his breath. I looked over at Lara when my phone lit up. I got off of Jaden's lap and grabbed my phone, Tayler texted me.
I ignored his text and picked up Lara.

"Where are you going?" Jaden asked.

"Upstairs and if you want anything you're gonna have to follow me," I teased and he shot up from the couch. I giggled and went upstairs to put Lara in her crib. Jaden followed me and wrapped his arms around my waist as I put Lara down.

"So who texted you?" He asked.

"No one important," I said and turned to him. He smirked and I took his hand and lead him to our room. He kicked the door close with his foot and pulled my waist closer to him. I smiled as he leaned in to kiss me. I kissed back but he broke it.

"Seriously tho, who is texting you," He asked and I didn't even notice my phone was buzzing in my back pocket.

"It doesn't matter," I said and he took my phone out my pocket. He stepped away for me as I tried to grabbed back.

"Why is Tayler Holder texting you?" Jaden asked and I shrugged. He didn't say anything after a couple seconds and I got worried, I could tell he was reading my texts.

"Are you cheating on me?" He asked, clearly pissed.

"No, why would you think that?" I said and he showed me the phone.

"Look what Tayler is sending me," He said and I read the texts. They were like drunk thirst texts.

"He's probably drunk and we haven't spoken in a while," I said and took my phone from him.

"Oh, sorry I don't know what I was thinking," Jaden said and hugged me around my waist.

"How about we find something to watch downstairs and I can order some stuff from cheesecake factory or IHOP," Jaden said and I nodded.

"IHOP please," I said and he chuckled before kissing me quickly. Went downstairs and I chose to watch The Kissing Booth. We cuddled up and I was just so happy to have him back. Jaden is all I could ask for. After watching a couple more movies I fell asleep and I could tell Jaden brought me up to our room. I was still kind of awake when he climbed into bed a couple minutes after putting me down.

"Jay?" I groaned and faced him.

"Yes baby," he said cutely.

"Goodnight," I said with a smile.

"Goodnight," He chuckled.

Once A Party Boy, Always A Party Boy? Jaden Hossler × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now