Part 32

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When Blake got home with Lara Jaden and I just finished cleaning up the living room.

"Hey," Blake said, coming into the house.

"Hey," Jaden and I said and he looked at us questionably.

"Oh God," He Cringed and looked away from us.

"Did y'all really? For three hours?" He said and I giggled.

"No, Blake we didn't, Lara's toys were everywhere," I said and Jaden bit his lip, looking at me.

"I don't trust you," Blake said and looked back at us with Lara asleep on his shoulder.

"Why not?" I questioned.

"Because the look on his face and the hickey on his neck," Blake said and I giggled.

"So I can't give my boyfriend a hickey?" I questioned and Blake shook his head.

"I'm gonna go put Lara down," Blake said and walked upstairs. Jaden chuckled and held my waist closer to him.

"So I kinda decided something in the hospital," Jaden said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"That this belongs on you and this belongs on me without a fancy ass party with almost everyone we know," Jaden said and took two rings out of his pocket. They were wedding bands with "Hossler" engraved into them on the inside. I gasped and looked at the rings.

"Jaden they're beautiful," I awed and he took my hand.

"Y/N, we've waited long enough and I think it's safe to say that our ups and downs have passed. I love you and want you to be mine for the rest of my life. We are still young and we can still be stupid but let's be stupid together," Jaden said and handed me one of the rings. Tears were flowing down my cheeks as he kept talking.

"Take this ring and put it on my finger, for life time of happiness and love," he started.

"Then I'll take this ring and put it on yours for the same reasons," He said and I nodded. I tried everything in my power to not ball my eyes out completely. Was this really happening right now?

"Y/N do you take me Jaden as you partner for life," He said and I was just speechless.

"Yes," I said between crying.

"No do I take you as my partner for life?" Jaden questioned and I smiled.

"Yes," He said with the biggest smile and I giggled.

"So this is the part where we kiss," Jaden said and leaned in to kiss me as we put the rings on each other's fingers. I kissed him and it was probably the best kiss we've ever had. There was clapping from the stairs and we looked over at Blake.

"Since when are you ordained?" Blake asked.

"Since yesterday," Jaden Said and I couldn't stop smiling at him. He smiled at me and kissed me quickly.

"So Mrs. Hossler?" Jaden questioned and I giggled.

"I like that," I said and Blake came over to us.

"Probably the cutest wedding I've ever seen," Blake said and I looked at him.

"I wouldn't want it any other way," Jaden said, looking down at me. He kissed me quickly before I got out of his grip.

"Where are you going?" Jaden asked.

"To call Alexis," I said and Jaden chuckled.

"Have fun with that," Jaden said and I went outside by the pool to face time Alexis.

"What?" She groaned. I waved my hand in front of the camera and her eyes widened.

"When was the wedding?!" She freaked.

"Literally three minutes ago," I said and looked at the ring again for like the thousandth time.

"Awe Y/N, you're a married woman now," Alexis said and I smiled.

"It doesn't feel real," I said and felt an arm wrap around my shoulders.

"But it is," Jaden said and I looked at him.

"God work Hossler, didn't think you had the balls," Alexis said and I giggled.

"I had to get her off the market as soon as possible, there's no one else out there like Y/N," Jaden said and looked me in the eyes, with a smile.

"Well you two enjoy this and tell me if you need a babysitter for the honeymoon," Alexis said and I nodded.

"Will do," Jaden said and I hung up the phone.

"Honeymoon?" I questioned.

"Just wait and see baby," Jaden said and kissed me quickly. We sat outside for a little longer before Blake called us back in, since Lara woke up.


Hopefully y'all like this...


Never Loved is now out the first couple of parts are out so go check it out

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Never Loved is now out the first couple of parts are out so go check it out

Once A Party Boy, Always A Party Boy? Jaden Hossler × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now