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(time skip to after school)(Jessica's POV)

Me: Mom, I'm home!

Mrs Masters (Jessica's mom): Hey honey! Did you have fun in school? Made any new friends?

Me: Yep! Most of my class were very nice to me, especially Marinette. Her parents own a very famous bakery called The Tom and Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie.

Mrs Masters: Ah! I've heard of that bakery before. Apparently, their croissants are to die for.

Me: Anyway, I'm going to go do my homework. If you need me, I'll be in my room.

Mrs Masters: Okay! Have fun sweetie!

Me: It's my homework, mom! How can I possibly have fun?

I climbed up the stairs to my room, put my bag in my bed and took out my iPad to do my math homework. Then, my kwami, Deni, flew up to me and sat on my shoulder.

Deni: Hey, Jess! How was school?

Me: It was good! I made a couple of friends.

Just then, I heard singing coming from next door. I went to my window and looked out to see Zayn Carter singing. Oh he sounded so good! I felt myself getting lost in his voice. I really love him. But he only sees me as a friend! We met for the first time about 2 months ago. The two of us started off as really good friends and then I started to fall in love with him. Both our families moved from America to Paris 2 days ago.

Deni: Aren't you forgetting about something?

Me: Oh right! My homework!

I enjoyed Zayn's singing as I started with my homework.

Me: And done!

I finally finished my homework. Time to get down to business! I need to go to Hawk Moth so that I can end the madness that is affecting Paris once and for all! Well, not exactly. See, my family has had the only miraculous box, the mythical creature miracle box. Well, at least I thought so, until my parents told me that there was another miracle box here in Paris. My parents have trusted me with the vampire miraculous since I was 13. I have been safekeeping my choker, yes that's my jewel, along with my kwami. I had already asked my tech genius brother, Jonah, to help me do a little hacking and find out Hawk Moth's identity. I did have some shocking findings. Hawk Moth is none other than Gabriel Agreste, Adrien's dad!

So I transformed with my kwami by saying 'Deni, fangs out!'. The vampire miraculous gave me powers of super strength, super speed, flight, mind control and mind reading; I could only use my mind control powers once before transforming back in 5 min. Then, I flew to Adrien's house.

(time skip to Jessica reaching Hawk Moth's layer)

Me: Greetings Hawk Moth.

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