Together or Not Together?

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Jessica's POV

I walked out of the auditorium briskly and rushed to the janitor's closet. I closed the door and took a deep breath. Along with my breathing, I also heard another one in sync with mine. I slowed down my breathing and turn to stare at a pair of green eyes.

Me: What are you doing here?

Adrien: Chloe. You?

Me: Zayn.

Suddenly, I heard the door open. Adrien then grabbed my arm and pulled me to behind the cupboard. I looked at Zayn through one of the cracks in the cupboard. Zayn really looked very lost! Maybe I'm being too harsh on him?

Zayn: Jessica? Jess? Are you here?

Crestfallen, Zayn turned and left the closet. I got out from behind the cupboard and faced Adrien in the closet.

Adrien: Come on, Jess! Don't you think you have to loosen up? The guy's vulnerable! Everyone deserves a second chance, right? Even though I personally don't think Zayn wasn't kissing Vic...intentionally, I am very sure that he is sincerely sorry about it. Tell me, how many times has he apologised just this evening?

I guess Adrien makes a point. I have punished him enough. Maybe...

Me: No, no way. Jessica Masters does not go soft! Oh, and one more thing, I have to tell you something. The real reason why I didn't want to go to prom with you: Marinette likes you, she really likes you. I know you like Ladybug but, face it buddy, we all know that is not happening. She will probably get together with Cat Noir and get married and have superhero babies. Just, give her a chance, you won't regret it.

Adrien: So Cat Noir doesn't stand a chance with Draculea? I'm very sure her mysterious and daring exterior will impress Cat Noir.

Me: Nah, that's never happening.... Besides, he is way out of her league.

My mind immediately went back to the time when I kissed Cat Noir; when Draculea kissed Cat Noir. With a slight blush I replied Adrien.

A: I'll think about it... about Marinette.

With a curt nod, I left the closet for the auditorium. I put in my vote for Nino and Alya and waited in the corner of the auditorium, regretting every second I was there alone. Then, I felt an arm wrap around my waist from behind me. I turned around and saw Zayn. I immediately wriggled out of his grip and moved away from him. He followed me and he ended up standing behind me at the left corner of the auditorium.

Alya: Alright, its time to reveal the Francoise Dupont King and Queen. So, put in your last votes, if you haven't.

It's no point staying anyway. All students had dates and friends and I was the only few standing there alone with no one. I could think of a hundred places I would rather be than the prom. I was counting down to the time when prom would end so that I could go back home. I didn't know in what right mind did I listen to Adrien and came to prom. Why was I even there? I turned to leave when I heard Alya start up the mic. What she said next never failed to shock me.

Alya: Alright, all the votes are in, now it's time to announce the king and queen. I will first be starting with the king. Drum rolls please.

The whole student body waited in anticipation for the two names.

Alya: The king is... Zayn Carter! Can we please invite him on stage? Next, for the queen... Jessica Masters. Or as she likes to call it: Masters, Jessica Masters! Congratulations to our King and Queen!

What?! I turned around and stared at Alya and mouthed 'Seriously'. She nodded slightly with a smirk playing at her corner of her lips. Full of regret, I slowly walked to the stage as the photograph, the very eye-catching photo in fact, that the photographer took before I left the auditorium for the closet. I stepped onto the stage from the left and Zayn entered from the right. I marvelled at my shiny crown as Alya put it on my head. She whispered a soft congratulations in my ear as she placed my sash over my shoulder. Oh yeah, and did I mention that I love all things shiny like jewels, mainly jewels that are so shiny that it makes you blind. I was in love with the crown; but then I realised that I loved the boy standing next to me more. I had then decided to forgive and accept the guy. But, seriously the crown though, really took the chase. I'd wear it all day, 24/7 if I had to.

I watched as the crowd cheered for their RULING ROYALTY! Just kidding, they cheered for the two of us. Wow, I can't believe I was cut out for prom queen! It was my first prom queen title! I'm just as shocked as you are.

I turned around to face Zayn as our eyes met.

Zayn's POV

Me: I really, really missed you. Like a lot.

I was literally pulling at the last straw by telling Jessica that. There was a very slight possibility that she was going to fall for that one-liner.

Jessica: So?

Oh here it comes. She was going to humiliate me in front the whole school.

Jessica: What are you going to do about it?

Ok, I have known her long enough to know that tone. She was teasing me, trying to break me. Does this mean she forgave me? Well, there was only one way to find out. I slowly, hesitantly put my arms around her hips. She didn't budge, didn't wriggle out. Ok, that was a good sign. Jessica didn't break eye contact with me.

Alya: Yeah, guys, if you're gonna kiss, can you make it quick? We got to wrap this up, it's getting late.

I slowly leaned in and closed my eyes only to be met with another pair of lips crashing with mine. I felt so accomplished at that moment. I finally got to feel how Jessica Masters' lips felt like!

Me: Yeah! We're back together, guys! I feel like I just went to the moon and came back here!

Jessica: Woah, buddy, don't push it. And, try to make sense, would ya?

Me: Wait, so we're not together?

With no reply, she hugged me and whispered in my ear, her hot breath brushing past my ear.

'Oh, we're back together alright, babe'

She pulled away, gave the cheering student body a wave and stepped off the stage and walked out of the auditorium.

Best prom ever! Well, the most complicated, but best!

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