Beast in the Beauty Part 2

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Hello everyone, you know the drill right! ( \ ^ v * / )

*Gray's POV*

The hours turns into days that turn shortly into weeks out in this barren desert. "I'm sure I followed the map and stars correctly," I look into the soulful eyes of my Camel Mitsubishi, strangely I sense that she's rolling her eyes which beckons me to tug on the rope softly in a teasing manner. She huffs as she pulls me as I fall in the sand the rope tied around my wrist as she drags me a little bit until coming to a stop.

I stand as the sand in my throat dries my tongue more, the thirst for something to quench on, water how I missed you. The prickly rope burning my skin as the bruise around my wrist begins to form. Mitsubishi fights me almost every day, however, I can not let her escape until we reach a town, a Nomad only has so much power and items. 

"Why am I even talking to you?" I huff while flaying the sand on my half naked body and clothes at her. She flinches away as she drags me forwards once more, "You're just an animal..." I huff as spit out some sand before she runs forwards and stops causing me to slam into her, "HURGHK!" I then collapse on my behind to the soft sandy ground. 

"Forgive me," I stand once more ignoring the sand on my butt, "Your a dumb animal" I then hear soft giggles from my left side that lead up a rocky mountain of sand and boulders. 

"Is that so?" A gravel like light deep voice spoke softly at me as they sat on the rock. I raised my hand as the sun shining off his ruby encrusted silver and gold bangles jewelry hanging off his biceps.

"Well the dumb animal was directing you towards me," a tan form splayed itself in an erotic sitting position, clothes of fine thread sat on his form as a small pink pony tail was put up. His bangs covering his eyes. A silk lined ruby choker sat on his neck as a button to his clothing encrusted with a golden design of leaves acting as a cut off at the arms turtleneck that displayed his feminine form, his tan skin lined with lithe muscles lined with a sweat as they splayed from the cut open shirt at his abdomen, his poofy black trousers were cut open at the thighs on both sides as their was gold trim lining the cuts. A robe hung off the bangles as a cover from the sun. An exotic beauty was all that I thought when I saw the shape of his body.

"What is someone dressed like you doing out in this desert?" I squinted with curiosity to see his face with no luck. 

"I could ask you the same thing, dressed so lightly, someone is to think you to be a pervert." He stood blocking the sun from behind him, he looked like a celestial being from the sun surrounding his form. My tongue hung in my closed mouth, words could not leave, his onyx golden eyes sharp enough to cut a man, a petite straight masculine nose, and smiling lips plump and the color of a ripe plum. An exotic beauty was the right thought. Men and women would pay riches to stand next to someone of his looks. He slowly came down from his 'pedestal' towards my form, " did the heat make you forget how to speak?" 

"No..." I shook myself from the hypnotism, "I'm dressed like this since I crossed an entire desert in order to get to Droganis." I walked towards Mitsubishi and pulled out a map of the desert pointing the capital of riches.

"Well, you've arrived." He smiled at me and with that smile I couldn't speak, he was to exotic.

"D-does everyone dress as fancy as you?" I forgot of my original goal.

"Unfortunately not everyone is treated to such clothing with the right skills or the right coin or paper," he gestured down to his clothing while his plum colored lips went straight as his golden eyes flickered in the sun. Watching the sweat dripping down his form made my thirst grow towards a different direction.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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