Chapter Four - Khazad-Dum

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The Fellowship walked through the dark mine, the only light was coming from Gandalf's staff. Slowly they climbed steep staircases, following the wizard. Pippin gasped as a piece of the old stone gave way under one of his feet. Adriel caught the young hobbit and carefully pressed him back against the stairs.

"Careful Pip," she whispered to him as she left her hand on his back, gently pushing him up. The curly haired halfling nodded and uttered a 'thank you' as the pair continued up. When the Fellowship reached the top of the stairs Gandalf looked between three separate doors, a puzzled expression evident on his face.

"I have no memory of this place," the wizard murmured. Adriel sighed and plopped down on a fallen pillar nearby, her legs aching from climbing up the many crumbling stairs that Moria possessed.

"Can I start a fire?" Adriel asked quietly as she looked over to Aragorn. The dark haired Ranger nodded, they both stood from where they had sat at the same time.

"I'll help you find something to burn," he whispered. Adriel nodded and the pair walked into the darkness together. They quickly gathered pieces of cloth and the occasional piece of wood they stumbled across. Adriel's head started to ache, she hissed at the splitting pain almost dropping the materials she had collected in her arms. Aragorn quickly stepped over to where the Witch stood and placed what he held on the ground, guiding her arms to do the same. The man sank to one knee in front Adriel, one hand grabbing her own while the other gently rested on her cheek. Adriel could feel the white wizard invading her thoughts, pushing and shoving his way into her mind.

"Go away! Get out!" she cried, her eyes squeezing shut tightly. She felt Aragorn pull her into his chest as her knees buckled, her vision quickly grew fuzzy as she fought with her own mind. Suddenly it felt as if Adriel had been shoved into another dimension.

A strong wind blew through her hair as she opened her golden eyes, she looked around her surroundings only to see the edges of a tall tower.

"Hello Adriel," a slick voice said from behind her. The Witch spun around to see Saruman standing behind her. Her breath hitched in her throat as she took a defensive step back, reaching for weapons that were no longer there. The white haired man chuckled as he stepped towards her, she bared her teeth at the wizard.

"What do you want," Adriel growled. His dark eyes met hers, a smile crossed his thin face.

"You are so powerful," he said absently as he reached a cold hand out to touch Adriel's cheek, "but at the same time you are so weak!" He pulled his hand down quickly, dragging a sharp fingernail down her cheek. "The dark lord would find your power very useful," he rasped as he looked back into Adriel's eyes. Slowly she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

"This isn't real," she murmured to herself.

"Of course it is you foolish girl," the wizard hissed as he hit Adriel hard across the face, "your mother's king fell to Sauron, as did her people, and as did she! What makes you different," he snarled. Adriel kept her eyes closed tightly.

"This isn't real," she repeated, ignoring the sharp sting of his nails scraping down her face, pushing hard against an invisible barrier in her mind. The enraged screams of the white wizard grew distant and Aragorn's worried voice grew nearer.

"Cost hon gwathel, cin are stronger i hon, Fight him sister you are stronger than him," his voice echoed.

"I will not fall," Adriel growled as she stared into Saruman's eyes, "nor will my people."

Suddenly Adriel was launched back into reality. She gasped as she broke free from Aragorn's tight grasp stumbling to her knees panting as images of Sauron and a burning kingdom flashed across her vision. Adriel closed her eyes tightly and rested her forehead against the cool stone floor waiting for the vision to pass, trying desperately to catch her breath as she continued to wheeze and writhe. Aragorn's warm hand rested on her back comfortingly. Adriel turned and launched herself towards him, quickly wrapping her arms around his neck. Silent tears flowed freely down her freckled cheeks as fear and anger radiated through her body. The Ranger's arms snaked around Adriel's waist as he pulled her closer to him, softly shushing her.

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