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It was 6:30 pm already and I was getting ready for the dinner at Charlie's house. I took the gift with me. A few minutes later, we were in my car. We reached there at sharp 7:00, the McLaggen family was very punctual.

I got off the car and entered in the front yard through the main door. Just then, I felt something tugging my jeans. I bent over and see Charlie's pet pug, Bruno, near my legs. I picked Bruno in my hands and started to cuddle with him.

Just then, Charlie's mother entered the front yard and started to walk towards us.
"Oh here you are, honey!" She said, "Looks like smart Bruno has already found you!"

Mrs. McLaggen was a pretty women, with a British accent. She always wore bright pink lipstick and her shining blonde hair was always curled perfectly. She generally had a formal tone of speaking. She was the kind of woman who would add words like 'exquisite', 'blissful', 'delinquent', ect. into conversation about pens.

We went inside. Although, I have been to Charlie's house a million times, it felt new whenever I stepped inside. His house was big, white and blue, with water fountains near small golf courts built inside the house, small gardens, big hallways (like school corridors) which smelled like roses.

"Where's Charlie?" I asked.

"Oh honey, he was so sorry he had to go for football practice right now, but he'll be back by dinner." Mrs. McLaggen said, "Did you bring the gift?"

"Oh yeah, it's right here." I gave it to her.

"Of course! Harry Potter! Charlie already has it, and he wanted you to have it as well!"

"But why did he go for practice now? Isn't it too late?" My mom asked.

"It is late, but Charlie's coach thinks that it is time for Charlie to completely focus on football, if he wants to become a footballer in the future. He's out practicing with one of his teammates." Mrs. McLaggen replied. The. She turned towards me, "Jenny dear. You can go and keep the gift in Charlie's room."

"Okay" I said.

I proceeded towards the staircase. His room was on the second floor. On my way, I saw a few servants. Bruno was following me. I went inside his room. His room was twice or even thrice the size of mine. The walls were covered with football posters. I kept the gift on a table and went downstairs.

My mother, father, Mr. and Mrs. McLaggen were talking. I sat next to my mother.

"Definitely not a good company, yes." Mrs. McLaggen was saying.

"Who's not a good company?" I asked.

"Well, Ashley of course! I've seen her bully people..." She replied.

Before I could say anything, Bruno started to tug my jeans again.
"What is it, Bruno?" I asked him.

"I think he wants to take you somewhere, dear." Mrs. McLaggen said.

"Oh! I'll come with you!" I said.

Bruno, as if understood everything, barked and started running towards the door. I followed him.

As soon as I entered the front yard, I understood where Bruno wanted to take me. Charlie and Morgan (the football team's vice captain) were entering through the front gate.

"Hey!" Charlie waved.

"Hey Charlie, how did the practice go?" I asked.

"Good." He replied while taking Bruno in his hands.

"Hi." Said a soft voice.

I took me a few seconds to realize what was happening: Morgan was waving at me. Morgan was Ashley's friend, probably her best friend. Morgan had talked to me once, when Charlie introduced us to each other, but Ashley just dragged him away from me.

''Hi?'' I asked, shocked.

"So I guess I'll go now." Morgan said.

Charlie sensed the awkwardness between me and him, and quickly said, "Yeah man, see you tomorrow."

Morgan turned around and went away. When he was out of sight, I turned towards Charlie and said, "Lemme guess, you asked him to leave Ashley's group and be our friend?"

"Kinda. Look, Morgan's cool. We're really nice friends."

"Then why does he always stay with Ashley? Take her side and all?"

"Because Ashley and Morgan are family friends since childhood. Their parents are business partners so he can't break his friendship with her. Morgan wants to be on both sides."

"Well, that's gonna be hard for him."

"Yeah, I know. But now, let's get inside. I'm starving!"

We went inside and found out that there is still some time left for food, so we decided to go to Charlie's room.

When we entered in his room, Charlie fell in his bed with a sigh. "I'm so tired!" He moaned.

"Drink some water. You'll feel better." I said.

He drank some water and sat on his bed. "Why did you bring your gift?" He asked.

"Your mom asked me to."

I took the box and opened it. Just having a look at the wands filled me with excitement. I picked up one of them. It was Hermione Granger's. Just then, Charlie's phone rang. He picked it up and started talking.

I held the wand tightly in my right hand, just imagining using spells with it. Well, I thought, I can try. Although I knew that the wands were a copy, I chose the spell I was going to perform: the spell which makes objects levitate.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" I said out loud.
At once, the pen kept on the table started floating in mid-air.


I know, this chapter was very long... But thanks for reading!! Stay tuned for more. Bye bye!

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