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Although I didn't sleep much last night, I felt wide awake in the morning. When I reached downstairs for breakfast, my mother asked, did you sleep well last night?"

"Yes." I lied. I don't know why but I didn't want to tell her that I didn't sleep at all.

It is like, that scream was still echoing in my ears, and whenever I blinked my eyes, the flash of green light would appear.

"I'm going mom, bye! Bye dad!" I called out while leaving for the bus stop.

As soon as I reached the stop, the bus pulled up. When  I entered the bus, Ashley said, "Look who's here! The one who always makes me look like a fool! Welcome Jenifer Black!"

I was not in a nice mood, and now this nonsense?!
"I don't make you look like a fool, Ashley! You're pretty good at that yourself."

Ashley shot me a murderous look and I started to gaze out of the window. I could still hear Ashley saying, "You're pretty good at that yourself!" and "The place where I asked for your opinion" in annoying baby voices. Then her group would laugh. Then she will make fun of me again and her group would laugh. Just then, my eyes fell upon Morgan. Although he was sitting with Ashley, he didn't seem to enjoy her jokes about me. He was looking out of the window too.

Again, Ashley said something about me and her group laughed. Enough, I thought.

"Will you keep your god damn mouth shut, Ashley?!" I yelled from my seat. After this, I guess, everyone in the bus realised that I was in a bad mood. Even Ashley didn't say a word.

Soon enough, Charlie's stop came. He sat next to me, like he always did.
"Hey." He said.


"Jenny? You look awful! Are you alright?"

Before I could reply, Ashley said, "Well, she always looks-"
But Charlie cut her off and said in a sarcastic tone, "Thank you Ashley. Now please shut up!"

"Don't bother. She's been irritating me since I got on the bus." I said.

"Is that why you are upset?" Charlie asked, worried.

"Pfft! No, I don't care about her. I had a nightmare last night."

"It was just a nightmare, Jenny."

"Yeah, but it was so... Scary."

"Then tell me." He said.

"No. I don't wanna."

"Please? I'm curious!"

"No means no, Charlie."

He pouted and chimed, "Tell me already. You'll feel better..."

"Let's just say that it had you, and the wands."

"Me?! Now I am even more curious!"

"No. It wasn't good." I didn't wanna tell him at all.

"Gee, shocker. Here I was, thinking nightmares can be good too."

"Its not funny. I'll tell you in the school, at break. The teachers must be back from there field trip today."

"I totally forgot about that part... Hey, can I borrow a pen for the whole day?"

"Yeah, okay."

We reached school and came to know that the teachers weren't back yet. I found out that their train got delayed.

"Yoo-hoo! No studies all day long! More tell me about your nightmare in detail, Jenny!" Charlie said.

"Oh look," Ashley appeared out of nowhere and chimed, "Little Jenny has nightmares now. Ooh... Pity! I never had any nightmares."

"Of course you don't have any nightmares, Ashley. Because you are one yourself?" Charlie said.

"Oh, does that mean that I come in your dreams at night, Charlie?" Ashley said while tipping closer to Charlie. He backed away. He looked kind of embarrassed.

"Please Ashley. Can't you for once, keep your abnormally large nose out of other people's business?" I said. Then I grabbed Charlie's hand and dragged him into our class.

"That went well." Charlie said.

"You made a complete fool of yourself." I laughed.

"Yeah. Shit happens." He said casually, "So?"

"So what?"

"Tell me about your nightmare now."

"Okay..." So I told him everything.

After listening everything, he said with a shudder,  "Oh boy. That was quiet a nightmare."

"I know, right?"

Oof! I know this is just lazy but it will get better, I promise.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned!

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