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It was easy to find the others with the Patronus. Everyone was shocked when they saw that silver animals, but we had no time to explain, we told them that we will though, once we find everyone. Minutes later, the Patronus dissolved.

"But what will we explain?!" Charlie asked.

"We'll see about that later." I said.

I turned towards everyone who was staring at us.  "Okay." I said, "I know you are all freaked out, but believe me, everything will be alright."

"But are you using magic?!" A guy from the team said and I realised that I am not the only one who knows about Harry Potter.

"Um, yes... But please don't freak out! I will just help you all to get out of here."

"Jenny." Morgan said, "What is going on? How can you use magic, I don't-"

"Please Morgan, don't question it, we have to reach home." Charlie interrupted.

After a lot of assuring and pleading, we were finally good to go. Getting in was the easy part, getting out was the hard one. When I got in, I was alone, but now? Now there are like fifteen people with me.

"How do we get out?" Charlie asked.

"Call the cops. I forgot my phone, use yours." I replied.

"I'm out of balance and coach has their phones. They were playing too. Coach left mine so that we can contact him of anything goes wrong. He was going to to see what was happening outside."

"He didn't know that your phone doesn't have balance?" I questioned.

"Even I didn't know that."

I checked the school gate again and the guards were back to their original size. 'Its magic time!' I thought.

"I am gonna need a clear shot at the masked man and the guards. I think I will stupefy him." I said.

"Let's go to the balcony." Morgan said, "You will have a clear shot at all the people around the gate."

I made a plan. 'First I will stupefy the masked man, then the guards.' I went to the balcony and pointed my wand at the man and yelled, "Stupefy!" It worked! Then I used the same charm in the guards. I knew that the charm might not hold the masked man for long, but I brought us some time.

'Come on!" I yelled and everyone followed.

"All of you live in different directions... How will I make sure that you all go home safely?!" I asked them, urgently.

"No need Jenny, we can manage from here." Morgan said and all of them agreed. Five or six of them lived near my house, I could take them along, but what about the rest of them...

"Are you all sure? I mean it's not safe-" I began.

"Jenny! The guy you just used magic on can come to us any moment. We don't have time to argue." Morgan said.

"Okay... But wait." I said. I couldn't have all of them remember that I could use magic. It specially broke my heart to make Morgan forget, he had been so supportive, but I had to.

"Charlie, look away." I whispered to him.

"What." He croaked looking at me and then Morgan.

"Do as I say, we don't have much time!" I cried.


All the footballers were looking at me. I focused on the part which I wanted them to forget.

"Obliviate!" I said.

All of them looked at me, blankly. Charlie came beside me and said, "Did it work?"

"We'll find out. So guys, you were stuck inside the school when this weird shit started to happen in this area and then I came with the police here and they rescued you. You don't have much time... Go homes as fast as you can!"

"Yeah you are right!" Some said.
"Okay." The others said.

"So it worked." Chaie whispered in my ear.

Then they all started going to their houses. Some came with me, as our houses were nearby. I made sure to atleast drop them home safely, even though it took me some extra rounds around the neighborhood.

Then at last, only me and Charlie were remaining. Soon we reached his house.

"What a crazy day." Charlie said, "But I wonder what that man was doing outside our school.

"Me too..."

"But thanks for coming, I thought I'd never make it out. Although you shouldn't have come, it's was super risky."

"It was nothing. And I'm pretty sure you would've done the same thing for me." I said.

"That I would've. Would you be able to reach home alone?"

"Puh-lease Charlie, I went to school alone. I saved you, I can handle this, although I am sure I'm about to get killed when I reach home. By the way, take this." I said, handing out the extra wand I brought.

"I won't be needing it, I'm not getting out of the house. I'm terrified."

"Just take it." I insisted.

He took the wand and I went home.


Spells used in this chapter:

•Stupefy: This is the incantation for the stunning spell. It is the charm that stuns the target, or kind of makes them still.

•Obloviate: This is the incantation for the memory erasing charm. This can be used to trim or modify someone's memory.


I have another thing to say. I know that we don't have Pottermore anymore, we used to. Now we have Wizarding World, and I have used Pottermore a lot of times in this story but that is because I actually wrote this when we had Pottermore and I started publishing it on Wattpad recently.

That's it for today, stay tuned and thanks for reading. I purple you!

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