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Long time no see!! But finally today, I got the time to upload a chapter. So this is gonna be another long one, and maybe all the upcoming chapters are long as well. Let's proceed with the story, and another question awaits you at the end of this chapter.

My mother was in the kitchen. The way was clear. I grabbed two wands and tip-toed towards the door, 'I am gonna be so dead after this!'

As I went out, I didn't even see policemen. My school was not very far from my house, although walking there would take atleast 20 minutes. When I use the bus, our driver takes a few extra turns to pick other students. Finally, I saw a policeman. He looked at me and said, "Miss, please go to your house. Its not safe to be out at a time like this."

I thought of an excuse and said, "I am on my way to my house. I was stuck somewhere and now I am going back."

"I would have escorted you to your house, but I can't. Please be careful and if you see a masked man, hide."

"Yes sir."

Now the next big problem was policemen around the school. After some time, I reached the school, and hid behind some trees. What I saw made me whimper. So many policemen, parents were stupified. I tried to find coach Hetch from behind my ambush, but couldn't. No one was moving, except for the masked man, and a school guard. Although we have two guards, only one was outside. The man was outside too, but  wasn't going in. Just then, the second guard came from the school building and said, "No clue master. I couldn't find anyone."

"What do you mean?! There must be someone inside!"

The guard shook his head.

It was clear that the guards were under the imperius curse, they called the masked man 'Master', and thier face was expressionless, as if in a trance.

'I have to do something before that man decides to go in himself.' I tried remembering any spell. Then I raised my wand and pointed it towards the masked man. "Levicorpus!" But as soon as I said this spell, the masked man took a step forward and the spell hit a guard instead.

"What?!" The masked man yelled, "There's someone here, someone with the same power. And I think I know who it is!" As he did not know from where the spell came, he went in the opposite direction first.

I grabbed my chance and said "Reducio! Reducio!" While pointing the wand towards the guards. Now they were the size of s brick. I ran towards the gate as fast as I could. The guards tried to stop me, but failed.

Now I needed to find Charlie and his team. I wished that I hadn't kept my phone in my room at my house and left it there.

I went to the football field, hoping to find someone there, but no luck. Then I searched the sports room, then some classes. 'At this rate, it will be ages before I find them. There's got to be a faster way." I scanned my memory for any charm that could help me find some. 'Can I use the Patronus charm?' I thought. Then I decided to give it a try.

I focused on a memory, good one. Then yelled, "Expecto Patronum!" Nothing much happened, just some silver mist came out of my wand. I had to try again. I was thinking about my parents, Charlie, cousins, all the happy things...

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" First, some silver mist came, and then, from the tip of my wand burst a beautiful silver bird-like creature. It took me a few moments to realise what it was, a Pheonix! 'How can I have the same patronus as Dumbledore?! Pottermore is wrong.' I thought. It was beautiful! "I am gonna call you Leo!"   I just thought that I have to find Charlie, and I felt as if the Pheonix understood me.

Leo went here and there a couple of times and then went straight to a class. I followed it. The class looked empty but Leo stayed there, with confidence.

"Charlie? Are you here?" I asked.

"Yes. Open the cupboard, I'm stuck!" Came a muffled voice.

"What?!" Then I opened the cupboard. Indeed Charlie was in there, sort of tangled. I helped him out. "How is that scary and funny at the same time?" I asked while trying not to laugh.

"Its not funny." He said, "How did you-" then his eyes fell upon the Pheonix floating right above me. "Holy Styx, is that a Pheonix?!" He exclaimed.

"Sure is. I named him Leo." I said.

"Lemme guess, after Leo Valdez?"

"Yeah. But what were you doing inside?"

"The guards. They are under the imperius curse. They were finding us. We are all hiding from them. Everyone is scattered. How did you get in?"

"Reducio." I said simply.

"Let me see what my patronus is! It will help us find everyone faster. EXPECTO PATRONUM!" From the tip of his wand, came the same silver mist, followed by a big animal, which had the head and wings of a giant eagle, legs and tails of a horse.

"Is that a unicorn?!" Charlie said.It startled me that it took me two tries to 'bust' a patronus and Charlie did it in one go.

"No idiot. Its a hippogriff." I told him.

"Oh, I am gonna call him Taserface!" Charlie said, thrilled.

"Really?! That's a stupid name. Nobody likes it."

"I'm sorry, but I am not creative like you!" He said.

"Call it Nova. Now hurry up, we have to find the others!"

"Sounds good to me!" Charlie said as both of us rushed out of the class to find the others.


Here is the explanation of spells used in this chapter:

•Imperious Curse: (I am gonna tell it again) This spell's incantation is 'Imperio' and the person upon whom this spell is used comes under the control of the caster.

Reducio: This is the charm that causes an object to shrink in size.

•Patronus Charm: This charm is a defensive spell which produces a silver, animal guardian, used to protect a witch or wizard against Dementors (kind of evil creatures which can suck you soul). This charm can also be used to send messages or find something. The incantation is 'Expecto Petronum'.

The question: If you could bring one dead character of Harry Potter back to life, who would it be and why?

My answer: Sirius Black, because he was Harry's Godfather, and the fact that hurts me the most is that he could never clear his name and died as an accused.  🥺

Now, I did use another character's name which is from from another book series. But Jenny and Charlie are like a big fangirl and fanboy, so they know a lot of other fandoms.

I will try to publish another chapter as soon as possible. Please vote and share your views on the chapters, it will really mean a lot to me.

Till then, thanks for reading and stay tuned for more!
I purple you! 🖤

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