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DEFINITION | Frustration With How Long It Takes To Get To Know Someone ♥︎


Zion Velkov


I pressed my hand against my forehead and groaned under my breath as I stretched my back that felt sore from sitting on the floor for so long.

Did I pass out here last night?

I chuckle humorlessly as I lean my head back against the wall and close my eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them up again.

The longest I've slept in a while actually.

My life was fucked up, I lived in a fucked up world where we kill for a living everyday. Don't get me wrong, I loved the adrenaline it gave me but sometimes I felt like I was missing something important.

When I was 18 years old I had to carry a big responsibility, one that I have been carrying on my shoulders ever since. And Fuck, I really have done a good job at it.

Look at me now, Rich, fucked up and deadly. Definitely my father's son.

My father would be proud of me if he was actually here right now but sadly he isn't. There isn't a day I go without thinking about my parents.

I hope they forgive me.

After getting up and going for a hot shower, I make my way down to my office so that I can sort out all the shit the fucking girl did.

Turns out, she had managed to kill one of Alvarez's men who for some reason was following her.

Who was she?

I sat down in front of my desk and looked through all the papers that were unread and have been sat on my desk since I asked Cody to do some research.

You see, to do my job you have to know everything and if you don't then you are totally fucked. There is no in between, you have to have the information out in front of you so that you know what you are dealing with.

The common mistake people made was to cross my path and try to fuck me over but the truth is, I know exactly how to get to them without even trying.

They try to blackmail you because it is their last hope and is the only thing left they can do. They are desperate.

The first question is, who do they have to pay?

People who turn to blackmail have a motive, one that is powered by their boss maybe. They are scared and will try anything to get what the boss wants.

Either that or they are just scared in general which is the likely answer.

I don't need to blackmail someone to get what I want.

Now in this situation something didn't seem right. A girl doesn't just kill someone without a reason, nobody does.

"Find anything yet?" I hear a voice by the door ask in curiosity.

I flick my eyes up, not bothering to move my head to see my tech genius Cody making his way into the room like he owned the damn place.

"I'm busy" I say as I turn my focus back onto the papers in front of me. Focus.

"It's been like what.." He cuts himself off to look down at his watch before reading the time out loud for me to hear. "10 hours since you asked me to get you the information. What is taking you so long?"

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